There is no rhyme or reason to throwing out an entire system that is working for most Canadians for a costly alternative. Any national program must be designed in a way that is fiscally sustainable, ensures continued access to innovative medicines, and does not crowd out the comprehensive coverage options that most Canadians already enjoy. National pharmacare should not reduce the coverage enjoyed by most Canadians under the existing system or result in coverage falling to the lowest common denominator. A full 90 per cent of Canadians believe a national pharmacare policy should in no way put group benefits at risk of cancellation. What makes the most sense is a program that focuses on filling in the gaps in the existing system that Canadians say works for them, emphasized instead on improving health outcomes. National pharmacare will provide the greatest value to Canadians by focusing on those who do not have coverage and those who are under-insured. It should provide the most appropriate coverage to those who need it. The proposals for a costly single-payer national pharmacare system is a placebo for no particular ailment. Read the full Financial Post article here. Find out what the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is advocating for here.