The City of Medicine Hat has sent out Assessment Request for Information (ARFI) forms to non-residential property owners, which must be submitted by July 2, 2019. Pursuant to Provincial Legislation, the July 1, 2019 market value of property will form the basis of the 2020 tax year assessment and all properties much be reassessed annually. Your assessment value is one of the factors used to calculate your property tax amount. The other factor is the tax rate (mill rate)which is set each year by our municipal council. Current information supplied by property owners assists in obtaining more accurate data and to help reach a fair and equitable assessment.
Property owners must provide either actual detailed income and expense statements (including rent rolls) for the most recent fiscal year or a completed Assessment Request for Information (ARFI) form by July 2, 2019 to the Assessment Department, City of Medicine Hat, 580 1 Street SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8E6 or
Please note, that no person may make a complaint in the year following the assessment year if a person has failed to provide any information requested within 60 days from the date of the request.
For more information click here to access the City of Medicine Hat Assessment page on their website. Read the press release from the City of Medicine Hat here.