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Owners of commercial properties need to submit their Assessment Request for Information Forms to the City of Medicine Hat Assessment Department by July 2, 2019. In order to prepare an estimated value of your property an Assessor needs to know about the physical characteristics and condition of each property. Providing this information is important, as this data is used to prepare not only your assessment, but the assessment of other properties throughout the City using a mass appraisal process. A property owner is required to provide their information in response to a request for information under the Municipal Government Act. This may be in addition to any previous information submitted to Assessment. Information sent previously or that was provided in connection with a tribunal hearing does not relieve the assessed person of the obligation to provide the information requested. In addition, no person may make a complaint in the year following the assessment year if a person fails to provide any information requested within 60 days from the date of the request. This ultimately means that if you do no fill out your assessment request for information form this year and you do not agree with the assessed value when it comes out next year, you restrict your ability to make a complaint and be heard through an appeal hearing.