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Invest South East Alberta's BREWD (Business Retention & Expansion and Workforce Development) project has initiated action on the development of a workforce strategy. The strategy is one of the key deliverables of the BREWD project as a result of an estimated 1,000 jobs being proposed by investments in the renewable energy, cannabis and tech industries. The Workforce Strategy will assess industry needs by engaging in interviews with large and small to medium size employers.

The BREWD workforce strategy will study the labour market from the jobseekers' and workers' perspective. A 5-minute 'Worker Survey' has been launched and can be accessed here. The results of this survey will help advise businesses, trainers, and policy makers on current and future workforce needs, changes and challenges. Jobseekers and workers are encouraged to participate in this 5-minute survey between August 1 - September 30, 2019 to help keep the region a great place to live and work.

The expected outcomes of the workforce strategy are:

  1. To enhance the ability of regional employers to attract and retain talent required in the short term and anticipate labour demands during labour market adjustments in the long term.
  2. To create jobs and wealth by identifying business concerns, and setting priorities.
  3. To identify emerging occupations, workforce trends and training gaps through the development of labour market information studies and research.

Results of the Workforce Survey and other research findings from the BREWD project will be provided upon completion at Businesses in the region are encouraged to visit the website, subscribe and join the movement. BREWD is a business-led movement underway in the region encompassing over 80 businesses and community members.