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The Government of Alberta's Employment Standards team is offering additional free webinars in September and October that provide an overview of Alberta's employment standards rules and describe the new rules for banked overtime, general holiday pay and the student wage. The webinars will also cover what happens to existing banked overtime agreements and Flexible Averaging Agreements. Registrations are now open!

Webinars focused on the job creation student wage and the new rules for banked overtime and general holiday pay will occur on the following dates:

Tuesday September 17, 2019
Friday September 20, 2019
Thursday September 26, 2019
Wednesday October 2, 2019
Tuesday October 8, 2019
We are also hosting webinars providing a broad overview of Alberta's employment standards rules, including overtime and general holiday pay, on the following dates:

Friday September 13, 2019
Wednesday September 25, 2019
Monday September 30, 2019
Friday October 4, 2019
Thursday October 10, 2019

Each webinar includes a live Q&A session to give participants a chance to discuss their own situations with the group.