Elections Canada mailed out personalized voter information cards to each registered elector. This card will let you know when and where to vote and has information about accessibility of your voting station. If you haven't received your card, or your card doesn't have the correct information, you can register or updated your address online or by contacting your Elections Canada office located at Suite 3 - 939 Kingsway Avenue SE or 1-866-202-6162. If your name is incorrect or you receive a card for a deceased person or someone who does not live at that address make sure to contact Elections Canada.
If, due to unforeseen circumstances, like a fire or a flood, the location of a poll changes after the voter information cards are mailed, the electors assigned to that poll will receive another voter information card with the words "Replacement Card" printed on the bottom right corner.
To vote, electors must show proof of identity and address. The voter information card may be used as a proof of address at the polls. Electors must use it with another piece of accepted ID to prove their identity. View the list of accepted ID.
Electors do not need to bring their voter information card to the polls in order to vote, but we encourage them to bring it with them for faster service at the polls.