Do you know a remarkable Hatter? The Alberta Order of Excellence Council receives and considers the nominations of candidates for future induction into the Alberta Order of Excellence. The Council is made up of volunteer representatives appointed by Order-in-Council from across Alberta.
How it works
- Nominations are accepted and considered year-round.
- Nominations remain under consideration for up to three years.
- Nominations must be received by February 15 to be considered for induction in the same calendar year.
- Candidates might not be selected in the year the nomination is received.
- The Council makes its selections no later than June each year.
- New members are inducted into the Order in a special ceremony in October.
- Successful nominees must be able to attend the investiture ceremony.
- The Alberta Order of Excellence cannot be awarded posthumously.
Who is eligible?
- Outstanding Albertans who have made significant contributions.
- Canadian citizens who live in Alberta.
- You cannot nominate yourself, your spouse, or a member of your immediate family.
Nomination procedure
- Identify a remarkable Albertan who has made significant contributions that will stand the test of time.
- Download a nomination form or order a package from the Council.
- Complete the nomination form in full. Materials submitted with the nomination cannot be returned. All nominations are confidential.
Nomination packages must not exceed 15 pages in total, including:
- Nomination form (1 page)
- Letter from nominator (maximum 2 pages)
- Letter from seconder (maximum 2 pages)
- Resume/CV of nominee (maximum 3 pages)
- Other supporting material (other letters of support, articles, etc)
Nominations must be unbound in single sided 8.5"x11" (letter) format.
Submit your nomination package:
There are two ways to submit your nomination package.
Gayle Stannard, Executive Director
Alberta Order of Excellence Council
c/o the Lieutenant Governor's Office
3rd Floor, Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6