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An advisory panel appointed by government has provided recommendations for curriculum and drafted a new vision for student learning.

A new online survey is available until Feb. 24 for Albertans to provide input on the draft vision for student learning. Input received through the survey will be used to inform a new ministerial order on student learning - a document that will define the vision, values, foundations and outcomes for education in Alberta. Feedback collected on the draft vision will also help guide government's work moving forward with updating the curriculum. If you prefer completing a hard copy of the survey, download it then fill it in and submit by email or mail: 

Executive Director, Curriculum Coordination and Implementation
Alberta Education
9 Floor, 10044 108 Street, 44 Capital Boulevard
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 5E6

The independent curriculum advisory panel was established in August 2019. The panel's recommendations are centred around the themes of curriculum development, curriculum content and assessment, in addition to some recommendations specific to the draft K-4 curriculum that was publicly released in 2018.

The panel's full report is publicly available online. Some highlights include:

  • ensuring the curriculum remains free from the prescription of pedagogical approaches, like discovery math
  • addressing financial literacy, work readiness, wellness and goal-setting to enhance students' life skills
  • implementing standardized assessment tools to evaluate literacy and numeracy in Grades 1 through 5
  • aligning the draft K-4 curriculum from 2018 with the new vision for student learning
  • providing students with work-integrated learning opportunities
  • ensuring First Nations, Metis and Inuit learnings continue to be reflected in our curriculum

See all the recommendations here.