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Grants to Support Business and Technology Development

Alberta Innovates is offering are vouchers to eligible businesses and start-ups. Use these funds to assist with all of the stages of the technology development life cycle. This can include intellectual property assessments, industry development, design, engineering, prototype development, product testing, research and even regulatory approval.

Alberta Innovation Vouchers

These vouchers are for Alberta’s small- and medium-sized enterprises in the technology and knowledge-based sector with technologies in the mid-to-late developmental stages. It could include some early developmental stages.

Alberta Innovates Micro Vouchers aim to help Alberta’s small- and medium-sized enterprises in the technology and knowledge-based sector hire a service or product provider to advance their technology closer to commercialization.

Export Readiness Micro Vouchers

This program is intended to help Alberta Small and Medium-sized Enterprises align their international plans with global opportunities and to evaluate the risks and benefits of exporting prior to entering new global markets

To find out more funding options with Alberta Innovates, visit their website.

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