What makes the Chamber Group Insurance Plan the #1 Plan in Canada?
There are many group benefit insurance carriers to choose from. The number of options can be overwhelming if you don’t have an expert on your side to guide you through the process. An experienced advisor has access to quote all of the insurance carriers, including the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan. They can compare your needs with all of the available insurance carriers and be able to make the best possible match for your company. Finding the right carrier can be a daunting task without the right help.
Here are a few things to consider when purchasing a group benefit plan for your business:
– Cost: the overall cost has to line up with your budget.
– Size: make sure the carrier will support you, no matter how small your group gets.
– Flexibility: check that the carrier is flexible, if you need to change your plan design you are eligible to do so.
– Service: does the carrier provides excellent customer service and have an easy to use online platform for all employees to manage their accounts.
– Coverage: while a packaged benefit plan is quick to set up, it may not meet the needs of your employees. Value is just as important as price.
– Stability: most plans are experience rated. In order to keep your premiums stable from year to year, look for a pooled plan that can help spread the risk.
– Guarantees: Look for a plan with the fewest exclusions and most assurances, or benefits that don’t require medical questionnaires.
– Longevity: look for an advisor that has access to cost-control tools that can help you modify your plan as your benefit needs change.
As the only advisor in the Medicine Hat and surrounding area that is licensed to provide the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan, you have access through JoAnne to Canada’s #1 plan for small business. The Chambers plan is a not-for-profit organization that is looking out for your business’s best interest.
The Chamber plan has many features that other insurance companies do not have.
If you are interested in more information or wish to have a quote prepared specifically for your business, please contact www.chamberplan.ca or JoAnne directly at:
403-504-2166 ext 1
JoAnne Letkeman is the owner of Brightan Financial Strategies Inc, and has been working in the insurance industry for over 12 years. JoAnne’s main focus is to make sure that business owners are making the correct decision about benefits for their employees and families. She always wants every member to understand how to use the plan and make sure they are getting the most out of every dollar spent.
Her goal is to make sure this is an easy process for business owners, by not adding another task to their long list of business related responsibilities.
JoAnne can appreciate making the most out of a workday, but she also enjoys her after work activities with her husband spending their time camping, kayaking, biking, hiking and playing Pickleball.