Supports for Business
Prime Minister announces new partnerships with Canadian industries to fight COVID-19
The Government of Canada has signed new procurement agreements with Canadian companies to purchase and boost capacity to manufacture equipment and supplies including portable ventilators, surgical masks, and rapid testing kits. The government has ordered millions of supplies to ease the pressure on health care facilities and has also signed letters of intent with five companies to produce additional test kits, hand sanitizer, and protective apparel including masks and gowns. In addition, $50 million has been made available in funding for members of the Next Generation Manufacturing Supercluster to develop and scale-up new, in-demand technologies, equipment, and medical products. This includes technologies and products to test and treat Canadians, such as novel virus detection tests, vaccines, therapeutics, and symptom management treatments. It also includes medical equipment to care for Canadians, such as ventilators, peripherals, personal protective equipment, and cleaning and sterilization chemicals and equipment. Read more.
Community Supports and Resources
Isolation Rules
To align with new federal rules under the Quarantine Act, Albertans under mandatory self-isolation are now required to remain inside and can only go for walks on their own property, such as their backyard, for the duration of their self-isolation. People can no longer go for walks in their neighbourhoods or through parks until their self-isolation period ends and people who live in apartment buildings or highrises must stay inside and cannot use the elevators or stairwells to go outside. This applies to everyone in mandatory self-isolation - those who are feeling well and those who have symptoms of COVID-19 including cough, fever, shortness of breath or a runny nose. Albertans are legally required to self-isolate for 14 days if they have returned from travel outside of Canada after March 12 or are a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19.
If you become sick during this time, you must self-isolate for an additional 10 days from the beginning of symptoms or until you are feeling well, whichever takes longer. Read more about how to self-isolate.
AHS Faster Lab Testing
Alberta Health Services (AHS) is partnering with a Canadian technology company to provide rapid testing for COVID-19 for Alberta. Spartan Bioscience is developing a COVID-19 test kit that would allow AHS lab workers to test for suspected COVID-19 in rural communities, rather than needing to send test samples to the two centralized laboratories in Edmonton and Calgary. More details are available in this AHS news release.
Provincial Legislature Focus
The Government of Alberta is proposing three key pieces of legislation to protect Albertans while continuing the fight against COVID-19. Proposed provincial legislation announced today includes:
- Bill 10, Public Health (Emergency Powers) Amendment Act, 2020. If passed, this bill will provide law enforcement agencies full authority to enforce public health orders during a pandemic.
- Bill 11, Tenancies Statutes (Emergency Provisions) Amendment Act, 2020. If passed, this bill will ensure no one will be retroactively charged for residential rent increases or late fees while the state of public health emergency is in effect.
- In addition to debating these bills, the government is proposing Bill 12, Liabilities Management Statutes Amendment Act, 2020. If passed, this bill will enable the government to clarify and enable expanded, delegated authority for the Orphan Well Association to maintain and manage orphan sites.
International Chamber of Commerce outlines roadmap for G20 countries
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), representing more than 45 million businesses in over 100 countries issued a letter to the G20 Trade Minister to provide recommendations and steps to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and limit its economic effects. Read more.
New Resources
Insolvency Services
MNP has insolvency services where individuals can make enquiries, review their legal options and complete a request for a no-fee / no-obligation phone consultation:
Share your stories and resources with us and and connect with us for any questions you have.
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs
View the March 30th 'The Voice' e-newsletter - COVID-19 Weekly Review
For more resources visit our COVID-19 page
On Demand Webinars
YXH Business Support (Recorded Facebook Live): Amy Zuk, F&S Safety Buzz, "Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Impacts in our Workplace During COVID-19". Watch Now.
The Importance of Human Resources & Being Strategic When Your Business is Being Temporarily Impacted. Watch Now.
How to cope with the impacts of COVID-19 on your business. Watch Now.
Destination Canada: The Visitor Economy: Watch Now.
Rent Relief in a World of the Coronavirus: Watch Now.
Webinars Series from the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Watch Now.
Webinar Series from the Conference Board of Canada, Mental Health and COVID-19. Watch Now.
For the CPHR Alberta Webinar Series: HR Pandemic Essentials, click here.
For the Conference Board of Canada Webinar Series, Mental Health and COVID-19, click here.
Upcoming Webinars
April 1: The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages. Click to Join
April 1: Business & Economic Recovery during the COVID-19 Crisis. Register here.
April 1: Business Planning in Uncertain Times. Register here.
April 1: Leading and Laughing During These Turbulent Times. Register here.
April 2: CORONAVIRUS: What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know Right Now. Register here.
April 2: Temporary Layoffs and Frustration of Contract. Register here.
April 3: Special COVID-19 Tax Update. Register here.
April 3: Handling HR During Crisis. Register here.
April 3: Managing Stress in a Changing Environment, Dale Carnegie. Register here.
April 7: Managing a Remote Workforce. Register here.
April 7, 2020: Preparing Your Startup for the Impact of COVID-19. Register here.
April 8: Webinar - COVID-19 Gov't Support for Business Owners. Register here.
April 13: : Business Development in Trying Times. Register here.