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Supports for Business

Alberta Farm Fresh Producers Association Enhances Online Directory

Agriculture and Forestry provided $81,000 to the Alberta Farm Fresh Producers Association (AFFPA) through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership to enhance its online producer directory so that producers can connect directly with food service and retail operations to get more farm-fresh food on Albertans' tables.

The grant allowed AFFPA to expand its directory to include more producer profiles and build awareness of the high-quality farm-fresh food Alberta is known for. The site will now give retailers, wholesalers, restaurants and the food service industry more opportunities to connect with farms.

With the recent increase in demand for local food, the province's restaurants and stores have looked for new ways to bring more locally grown and produced food to Albertans.

Site enhancements include:

  • Additional and more detailed product categories.
  • Identification of additional certifications and licensing.
  • More marketing channels for producers to include food service and retail.
  • Improved search and mapping capabilities.

The AFFPA will also be offering complimentary memberships for farmers and ranchers for 2020 and 2021. Read the press release.

Phase two economic relaunch: A discussion with Alberta Economic Development, Trade and Tourism

Businesses opening in phase two of Alberta's economic relaunch are invited to join Michele Evans, Assistant Deputy Minister for Economic Development, Trade, and Tourism to discuss Alberta's relaunch. Please note that space is limited and individuals are required to register to attend.

Community Supports and Resources

Additional Support for Indigenous Peoples

$75 million in new funding for Indigenous organizations providing services to Indigenous peoples in urban centres and off reserve was announced today. This additional funding will support more community-based projects that address the critical needs of Indigenous populations during this crisis, including food security, mental health support services, and sanitation and protective equipment. It could also help with other needs, such as support for Elders, transportation, and educational materials for Indigenous children and youth. Funding for projects will start rolling out in the coming weeks.


ICYMI: Canadian Chamber Launches CBRN's National Toolkit For Business Reopening

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce  has launched the Canadian Business Resilience Network's guide for businesses moving to reopen, "Reopening Canada's Economy, A National Guide for Business." Our President and CEO, Perrin Beatty, provided a statement on the toolkit and businesses working to re-establish their operations. Read the statement and access the toolkit.

Commentary: The Great Quickening, Shorter Supply Chains?

The Great Quickening" is a new, regular column on by Canadian Chamber Senior Director of Natural Resources and Sustainable Growth, Dr. Aaron Henry, focused on how COVID-19 will accelerate social, economic and technological drivers of change. Based loosely on a strategic foresight approach, this column explores how certain trends are being accelerated in the post-COVID world to provide Canada's business community with insight. Read now.

New Resources

Hotel Association of Canada Resources

The Hotel Association of Canada has compiled COVID-19 Information and resources from Health Authorities and Trusted Sources for the hotel and lodging industry. In addition, they are working with the American Hotel and Lodging Association on SafeStay Guidelines.

The Business Of Business: Financial Support Available Amid COVID-19 With Desjardins 

In this episode of The Business of Business, President and CEO of the Canadian Chambers of Commerce, Perrin Beatty, has a conversation with Guy Cormier, President and CEO of Desjardins, about how the organization has evolved during the pandemic and the financial support it is offering. Mr. Cormier also provides an outlook on the shape our economy will be in after COVID-19

Featured Webinars

Webinar: Considerations For Returning To The Workplace For Canadian Employers

Join Gallagher's Canadian insurance, risk management and consulting professionals on May 22 at 9:00 a.m. MST to learn how to confidently protect your people, property and profits through a five-step action plan considering:  

  • Eligibility to reopen 
  • Employees 
  • Facilities and equipment 
  • Operations, supply chain and third-party suppliers 
  • Customers, clients and public 

Register Now.

COVID-19 Virtual Roundtable: Change Management And Reputation Management In Post-Isolation Return To Work

Change management and reputation management are critical as organizations develop strategies for the return to the workplace, post-isolation. Join Morneau Shepell on Friday, May 22 at 11:00 p.m. MST for a discussion on new approaches to developing integrated communications plans and ways to address potential public risk and reputation management issues. Register now.

Adapting your Business Plan in a Crisis, Presented by CPA Alberta

When "business as usual" becomes disrupted, how do you pivot and adapt? Presented by CPA Alberta, this webinar at 10 a.m. on May 28 will discuss how you can re-examine your business plan to identify next steps and opportunities, even in a crisis - allowing your business to emerge even more resilient than ever! Register here.

BDC webinar: How to restart your business in the wake of COVID-19

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is organizing a free live webinar for entrepreneurs on May 22 at 10 a.m. MT on how to restart their business in the wake of COVID-19. During this webinar, BDC's experts will provide guidance on how entrepreneurs can address new operational and financial challenges in a changed consumer and economic landscape. Register online.  

Tourism Week Webinars 

Tourism Week is May 24-31 across Canada. Travel Alberta is offering five virtual events to connect industry to the work that is being done around the province and in Canada to help navigate the way forward.

May 25: The Alberta (re) Bound Strategy: Shelley Grollmuss, Vice President, Industry Development, and Karen Soyka, Vice President, Business Development, will introduce Travel Alberta's three-stage strategy to restart and rebuild the province's tourism sector.

May 26: Team Alberta messaging to restart tourism in Alberta: Tannis Gaffney, Vice President, Global Consumer Marketing, will introduce Travel Alberta's latest promotional efforts. Attendees will get a preview of the creative ways we are encouraging Albertans to celebrate their province. ​

May 27: Funding programs for tourism businesses: Shelley Grollmuss, Vice President, Industry Development, will outline new funding mechanisms available for tourism businesses, and how to apply.  ​

May 28: Alberta's economy in a COVID-19 world: Todd Hirsch, Vice President and Chief Economist, ATB Financial, will explore the impacts of the pandemic on tourism, and highlight potential bright spots as our economy adjusts to new realities.

​All webinars start at 10:00 a.m. Register here.

May 28: Alberta Tourism Town Hall: Learn how Travel Alberta, the Tourism Industry Association of Alberta, the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, Destination Canada, and the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada are working together to support the province's, and the country's, tourism businesses. Register here.


Share your stories and resources with us and on the YXH Business Support Group and connect with us for any questions you have.

Recognize your heroes by using the hashtag #YXHheroes.

Honour your everyday heroes through the Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Awards program. Nominations can be submitted online.


"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at." - Stephen Hawking


For more resources visit our COVID-19 page

On Demand Webinars

Alberta Bits & Pieces Webinar. Watch Now.

Canadian Business Resilience Network Video Content

13 Ways COVID-19 and Your Business Part 1: Watch Now.

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Explained: Watch Now.

Conflict Escalation & What to Do About It. Watch Now.

Destination Canada: The Visitor Economy: Watch Now.

BDC Economic Pulse (April 20): Watch Now.

How to cope with the impacts of COVID-19 on your business. Watch Now.

How to Navigate Government Programs with KPMG. Watch Now.

The Importance of Human Resources & Being Strategic When Your Business is Being Temporarily Impacted. Watch Now.

Keeping Your Company and Employees Secure When Working Remotely. Watch Now.

Leading During a Crisis and Switching to Remote Work. Watch Now. 

Maintaining Sales in the face of COVID-19. Watch Now.

Rent Relief in a World of the Coronavirus: Watch Now.

Shopify E-Commerce Tools. Watch Now.

Social Media in Crisis. Watch Now.

Understanding, Accessing and Optimizing the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. Watch Now.

What To Feel When Stressors Collide, With Canada Life. Watch Now.

Working From Home During COVID-19. Watch Now.

Webinar Series

AMHSA, CSSE, Howatt HR, AUMA Mental Health Webinar Series. Click here.

APEX Alberta Webinars: Watch the recorded series

BDC Webinar Series. Click here. 

BusinessLink: View upcoming events. Learn how to find bid opportunities. Register now.

Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Watch Now.

CPA Small Business Webinar Series. Click here. 

CPHR Alberta: HR Pandemic Essentials. Click here.

Conference Board of Canada Webinar Series: Mental Health and COVID-19. Click here.

Constant Contact Webinar Series: View the line up of sessions and register.

D2L Webinar Series: Digital Transformation for Associations. Watch Now.

Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) Wednesday weekly: Business & Economic Recovery During the COVID-19 Crisis

Free Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)® IDS™ sessions. Register here.

International Economic Development Council Webinar series. Watch now.

Retail Council of Canada

StartUp Canada Women Entrepreneur Webinar Series: Click here.

Travel Alberta Webinar Series. Watch Now.

Upcoming Webinars

May 22: How To Create A Brand For The Digital Era. Register here.

May 22: BDC Planning for recovery: How to restart your business in the wake of COVID-19. Register here.

May 22: Valuing Nature: Value Balancing Alliance - Impact Measurement And Green Accounting. Register now.

May 22: Grande Prairie Chamber of Commerce - Business Resiliency Taskforce webinar. Register now.

May 26 & June 2: Rock My Business Plan. Register here.

May 26: CWB Financial Webinar | Putting People First: How to Win During a Crisis. Register now.

May 26: Travel Alberta "Worth the Wait" summer marketing campaign.

May 26: CWB | Strategies For How Businesses Can Persevere And Recover From COVID-19. Register now.

May 27: APEX Alberta: Everything DiSC Workplace. Register here.

May 27: Digital Strategy in a Time of Crisis. Register here.

May 27: BBB Digital Marketing in the Face of a Pandemic. Register here.

May 27: Marketing Your Business Re-Opening. Register here.

May 28: Work-Life Wellness for Entrepreneurs: During & Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis. Register here.

May 28: Succession Planning Webinar. Register here.

May 28: Alberta Tourism Town Hall. Register now.

May 28: Alberta's Economy in a COVID-19 World, hosted by Todd Hirsch, Chief Economist at ATB Financial

June 3: APEX Alberta: Personality Dimensions - Sales and Customer Service. Register here.

June 3: BBB Financial Options for Small Businesses. Register here.

June 4: Cash Flow Management in Times of Uncertainty Webinar. Register here.

June 10: Post-COVID Employee Benefits. Register here.

June 17: APEX Alberta: Everything DiSC Productive Conflict. Register here.

Don't forget Joe Social Media - Free Social Media training from May 1 - June 30 (times vary). Register here. Use promocode: Resilience

Check out more events on our Pandemic Training Calendar