Supports for Business
Application Process Now Open for Medicine Hat Business Innovation Grant
Applications are now open for Phase 1 of the CMH Business Innovation Grant, part of the COVID-19 Assistance package approved by council on May 4, 2020. The Assistance package is intended to support residents and business in coping with and recovering from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
The CMH Business Innovation Grant will invest up to $2M in grants for local businesses. Phase 1 of the grant (up to $500,000 will focus on supports required for local businesses to adapt to the guidelines mandated by the government for a safe workplace. This may include any new equipment businesses need to install for safe physical distancing, contactless payment tools, PP needs required to improve office and retail space, remote work platforms to allow for business to operate at a distance and more.
Grant Amount
$1,000 to $15,000
- A limit of $15,000 can be accessed by any one business.
- Due to limited funds, submissions will be processed in order of fully completed applications received.
The MHBIG provides funding support to businesses who have experience a material adverse impact on their business operations on or after March 15, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the City is responsible for assigning the criteria for the application, the application and approval process will be facilitated by Community Futures Entre-Corp. Apply here
Supports for Individuals
Canadian seniors to receive special payment in early July
The government announced that seniors eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) will receive their special one-time, tax-free payment during the week of July 6. Through this measure and others, the government is providing nearly $900 more for single seniors and more than $1,500 for senior couples, on top of their existing benefits, to help these vulnerable Canadians with extra costs during the pandemic.
Seniors eligible for the OAS pension will receive a payment of $300, and those also eligible for the GIS will receive an additional $200, for a total of $500. Allowance recipients will also receive $500. This $2.5 billion in financial support will help Canadian seniors cover increased costs caused by COVID-19, and give them greater financial security in this time of crisis. Seniors do not need to apply for this one-time special payment. The payment will be issued automatically during the week of July 6, and seniors who reside in Canada can expect to receive the payment by direct deposit or cheque that week.
Community Supports and Resources
Permanent Changes for Expanded Care in Nursing Homes
Long-term changes to Alberta's nursing homes regulations will come into effect on Aug. 15. These changes make the temporary amendments, introduced as part of the government's response to COVID-19, permanent.
The amended regulations remove barriers permanently so nurse practitioners can act as primary care providers in nursing homes, admitting and assessing residents, as well as offering follow-up care. Permanent changes also allow nurse practitioners and other health professionals to prescribe medication and order treatments in nursing homes, according to their scopes of practice. More information
Despite relaunch, Alberta businesses anticipate slow recovery
Businesses appear a bit more confident in May than they were in April that they will survive the impact of COVID-19. Nine in ten now feel it is likely they will continue operating once the COVID-19 outbreak is over, with 61% saying it is 'very' likely (up from 87% and 53%, respectively, in April). We know businesses that had to temporarily close are less confident, with 82% feeling it is likely they will continue, and 39% indicating that it is 'very' likely. One in five (19%) of those who had opted to defer payments of various kinds anticipate they can undertake a one-lump-sum payment amount and remain financially solvent, up from 12% in April. There has also been a slight improvement measured in May among those who have already received or applied for support. Now, 42% believe it is enough to sustain them over the next three months, an increase of 5 points compared to April. Read the full media release from the Alberta Chambers of Commerce.
Canadian Chamber Releases Roadmap to Recovery
The Candian Chamber has launched Roadmap to Recovery, which takes a comprehensive look at the challenges facing our economy and identifies 51 specific recommendations governments should adopt to overcome the challenges identified. Canada was prepared to do whatever it took to ensure we made it through this pandemic, and we need to apply the same mindset to repairing our economy. Read their press release.
The ICC On Facilitating Access To Trade Credit
To facilitate the $5 trillion of trade credit needed to enable an economic rebuild from COVID-19, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has called for proactive interventions to prime the trade market in anticipation of a return of demand. Adjusting regulatory requirements for SME financing and purchasing trade assets from commercial banks are just two measures governments can take to ensure small businesses can access the credit needed to trade internationally. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the lead organization in Canada for the ICC. Read more
Perrin Beatty Appears At The Senate National Finance Committee
On June 2, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce President & CEO, the Hon. Perrin Beatty, appeared as an expert witness before the Senate Standing Committee on National Finance. The committee is studying the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences. In his opening remarks, Perrin outlined their Roadmap to Recovery, which was released today. Read and watch
New Resources
Share your stories and resources with us and on the YXH Business Support Group and connect with us for any questions you have.
Recognize your heroes by using the hashtag #YXHheroes.
Honour your everyday heroes through the Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Awards program. Nominations can be submitted online.
"Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory." - William Barclay
For more resources visit our COVID-19 page
On Demand Webinars
Alberta Bits & Pieces Webinar. Watch Now.
Canadian Business Resilience Network Video Content
13 Ways COVID-19 and Your Business Part 1: Watch Now.
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Explained: Watch Now.
Conflict Escalation & What to Do About It. Watch Now.
Crowdfunding through COVID-19. Watch Now.
Destination Canada: The Visitor Economy: Watch Now.
BDC Economic Pulse (April 20): Watch Now.
How to cope with the impacts of COVID-19 on your business. Watch Now.
How to Navigate Government Programs with KPMG. Watch Now.
The Importance of Human Resources & Being Strategic When Your Business is Being Temporarily Impacted. Watch Now.
Keeping Your Company and Employees Secure When Working Remotely. Watch Now.
Leading During a Crisis and Switching to Remote Work. Watch Now.
Maintaining Sales in the face of COVID-19. Watch Now.
Relaunching Your Business. Watch now.
Rent Relief in a World of the Coronavirus: Watch Now.
Shopify E-Commerce Tools. Watch Now.
Social Media in Crisis. Watch Now.
Strategies for How Businesses Can Persevere And Recover From COVID-19. Watch Now.
Understanding, Accessing and Optimizing the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. Watch Now.
What To Feel When Stressors Collide, With Canada Life. Watch Now.
Working From Home During COVID-19. Watch Now.
Webinar Series
AMHSA, CSSE, Howatt HR, AUMA Mental Health Webinar Series. Click here.
APEX Alberta Webinars: Watch the recorded series
BDC Webinar Series. Click here.
BusinessLink: View upcoming events. Learn how to find bid opportunities. Register now.
Calgary Chamber of Commerce. Watch Now.
CPA Small Business Webinar Series. Click here.
CPHR Alberta: HR Pandemic Essentials. Click here.
Conference Board of Canada Webinar Series: Mental Health and COVID-19. Click here.
Constant Contact Webinar Series: View the line up of sessions and register.
D2L Webinar Series: Digital Transformation for Associations. Watch Now.
Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) Wednesday weekly: Business & Economic Recovery During the COVID-19 Crisis
Free Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)® IDS™ sessions. Register here.
International Economic Development Council Webinar series. Watch now.
Retail Council of Canada
StartUp Canada Women Entrepreneur Webinar Series: Click here.
Travel Alberta Webinar Series. Watch Now.
Upcoming Webinars
June 8: Social media marketing essentials for small business. Register now.
June 9: Getting Creative With Your Mobile Phone, With Facebook. Register now.
June 9: Getting started with email marketing to grow your small business. Register now.
June 9: Restarting and Thriving After COVID-19 and Beyond, presented by PwC. Register here.
June 10: Post-COVID Employee Benefits. Register here.
June 10: Bow Valley College - Intermediate Facebook marketing. Register now.
June 10: Understanding Travel Insurance in the World of COVID-19 with Johnson Insurance. Register now.
June 15: Getting found online - tools/tactics to help your website show up higher in search engines. Register now.
June 15: How to adapt your business to thrive in the new normal. Register now.
June 16: Google Ads - what you need to know to start driving traffic to your website. Register now.
June 17: APEX Alberta: Everything DiSC Productive Conflict. Register here.
June 22: Take Control of Your Business: 3 Simple Tools to Help Your Business Survive and Thrive with Bradshaw & Associates. Register Now
June 24: How to Build an Effective Advertising Strategy. Register now.
Don't forget Joe Social Media - Free Social Media training from May 1 - June 30 (times vary). Register here. Use promocode: Resilience
Check out more events on our Pandemic Training Calendar