Your Weekly Tune Up

The City of Medicine Hat will be following guidance from the Government of Alberta to introduce a Restriction Exemption Program (REP) at some city-operated facilities.
The REP will be in place at the following facilities:
Co-op Place
Effective 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 23, 2021
Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre
Effective Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Family Leisure Centre & Kinplex
Effective Friday, October 1, 2021
Green Heat: Low Carbon Energy Generation for Heating Existing Buildings
The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) are looking to Test Drive creative energy generation solutions to pair up with existing heating systems to help lower our carbon footprint. Specifically, DND/CAF are seeking a large-scale, low carbon energy generation/transfer system for heating existing buildings by integrating with their current hydronic heat distribution systems. A test building has been selected in Kingston, Ontario, for a Design-Build team to design and install an innovative system, in order to assess the effectiveness and the costs of these integrated technologies, with the aim of reducing the energy demand and carbon footprint of DND/CAF's infrastructure portfolio. The potential funding for the Design-Build contract component of the project has been established in the range of $5,500,000.
The deadline for submitting Step 1 Proposals is 2 pm EST on Tuesday September 28, 2021. Read More

Quick Check Up
COVID-19 public health actions
Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency. COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to rise, largely in unvaccinated Albertans. New measures to protect the health care system, stop the spread, and increase vaccination rates come into effect starting September 16.
Public health restrictions are in place to reduce the impacts of COVID-19 on the health care system. Some businesses can participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program.
Fuelling Our Business Community
Move To Medicine Hat
Are you hiring employees from outside the local area? Need a tool to help you do that?
Check out www.movetomedicinehat.ca!
- Share this site with your prospective employees when recruiting where you'll find interviews with employers like Qinetiq Target Systems, and Terralta and more!
- Click HERE for more information
The Power of Community
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: September 30
This national day of recognition provides an opportunity to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. This may present itself as a day of quiet reflection or participation in a community event. What can you do on this day to show support?
- participate, volunteer, or attend a local Truth and Reconciliation activity or event
- attend a cultural event
- read a novel from an Indigenous Reading List; examples found here

Enriching Your Business

See all our Value Added Benefits!
Fill Up On Funding
Jobs and Growth Fund in Western Canada
The Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) provides funding to businesses and organizations to help create jobs, and position Canada's economy for an inclusive recovery and long-term growth.
Applications will be accepted through a continuous intake process. All projects must be completed prior to March 31, 2024, as no further funding will be available after that date.
For more information regarding the program and the applicant guide
The Alberta Jobs Now program will provide up to $370 million to help private and non-profit businesses with job supports to get thousands of Albertans back to work.
Employers can apply for funding to offset the cost of hiring and training unemployed or underemployed Albertans in new or vacant positions.
This federal-provincial investment is the largest job training program in Alberta's history. It will support our province's recovery, help businesses re-open or grow their workforce, and give Albertans an opportunity to gain the skills they need in today's job market.
Advocacy in Action
The election is over. Time to get serious about economic growth: Canadian Chamber of Commerce
(OTTAWA) - September 21, 2021 - The Canadian Chamber of Commerce's President and CEO, Perrin Beatty, issued the following statement today on the actions that Canadians and the business community need to see from our next Parliament.
"The clear message from last night's election is that our politicians need to get back to work on the issues that matter. With an election that lacked a meaningful debate on the economy, it is critical for Parliament and the government to resume the business of governing the country. Canadians want less politics and more leadership from their elected officials. Read More
Next Level Events
4th ANNUAL LIVE2LEAD IN MEDICINE HAT - OCTOBER 8 - Live Simulcast Leadership Event - 9 am - 1 pm @ Homestay Inn & Suites - Register
What can you expect when five world-class leadership experts come together on stage for a half-day experience?
Whether you lead a large organization or want to be a better mentor to those around you, you will gain meaningful and relevant insights so you can return home ready to implement your new action plan and lead with renewed passion and commitment.
LEARN FROM WORLD-CLASS LEADERSHIP EXPERTS: John C. Maxwell, Jamie Kern Lima, Ed Mylett, Valorie Burton and Jeff Henderson
Who attends LIVE2LEAD? Small business owners, corporate managers, CEO's, employees, emerging leaders, teachers, students, athletes... whatever your craft, the world needs more of what you have to offer! Plan to hone your personal leadership skills at this year's event.
If you're looking for Professional Development Credits (PDC's) through the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM0, this Live2Lead event has been approved for 3.75 PDC's.
Regular Ticket - $125/person (Table of 8 - $799)
Sponsored by: Just Be TC, Pattison Media, Kal Tire, Chamber of Commerce and Western Falcon Energy Services.
What people are saying?
"I signed up for LIVE2LEAD NOW to let my team access the training available. I have seen a real impact on how we work and communicate together as a team " - Gary
"We use LIVE2LEAD for our leaders to focus on their own development and learn new ways to be an impactful leader. - Tim
CFSEA's 2021 Vital Focus Report!
Proudly presented by Pritchard & Co. Law Firm, LLP, CFSEA is hosting the 2021 Vital Focus Virtual Launch on October 7 from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM.
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Networking
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Live Event
The 2021 Vital Focus provides a comprehensive overview of three prominent impact areas which have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeastern Alberta. These areas include mental health, work & economy, and vulnerable populations (specifically food security, housing stability, and domestic violence).
This virtual event will feature impact speakers to offer their expertise for topics highlighted in the report, provide networking opportunities for attendees, and provide the groundwork for the 2022 Vital Conversations.
Event registration is open until October 7th.
More Funding
- The wage subsidy does not renew automatically. The next CEWS deadline for period 14 is October 7. HERE
- Subsidizing eligible businesses up to 50% of their new staffing costs - Next period opens: October 1, 2021. HERE
Useful Links
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