Your Weekly Tune Up

Confirm a representative using My Account or My Business Account
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is introducing a new way to confirm authorized representatives using My Account or My Business Account. Whether you're an individual or a business, the new two-step digital process will help you protect your tax information and make authorizing new representatives more efficient and secure. Learn more.
U.S. land border re-opening
The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, issued a statement on the re-opening of the U.S. land border for vaccinated Canadian travelers.
The Canada Border Services Agency would like to remind travellers that border measures remain in place for travellers entering or returning to Canada and that they should get informed and understand their obligations as they make their travel plans.

App to scan COVID-19 vaccine QR codes now available
Businesses and organizations can begin using the free AB Covid Records Verifier app to quickly and easily confirm their patrons' vaccination status. The AB Covid Records Verifier app is available for download on Apple and Android devices through the respective app stores.

New App Provides Remote Access to COVID-19 Resources for Workplaces
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has launched a new mobile app to help make workplace health and safety resources on COVID-19 accessible to workers in Canada.

Book your free flu shot to protect yourself and loved ones
Albertans can now book their influenza immunization appointments at bookvaccine.alberta.ca through participating pharmacies and Alberta Health Services' public health clinics. For influenza vaccination for individuals five years of age and older, contact your local pharmacy directly for appointments and walk-ins.
Quick Check Up
Fuelling Our Business Community
Helping Local Businesses in Medicine Hat Connect with Wage Subsidies for Student Hires
The COVID-19 pandemic had an immediate and severe impact on local businesses in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Almost three in 10 said they were unable to operate at a sustainable level in the pandemic's early months.
A recent case study, explains how Magnet's Chamber Partnership Initiative helped the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce connect local employers with wage subsidy funding to help them hire student talent for work-integrated learning placements.
If you are interested in finding out more about Work-Integrated Learning or how to apply for funding, visit us online.

The Power of Community

International Day of Rural Women
October 15 was International Day of Rural Women. Women in our Rural Community are farmers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, caregivers, professionals and tradespeople who keep our rural communities connected and thriving. Make sure to recognize them and show your appreciation for the work they do.
Celebrating libraries and library staff
It's Canadian Library Month and Canadian Library Workers' Day was October 15th. We have some great libraries in our region that offer incredible services and resources. Whether in-person, online or within the community, they make lifelong learning and community involvement accessible. If you haven't checked out our local libraries lately, make sure to visit them online or in-person to find out what they offer.Â

Enriching Your Business
See all our Value Added Benefits!
Fill Up On Funding

Persons Case Scholarship open for applications
The Persons Case Scholarship is open to students of all genders in the arts, humanities and social sciences fields whose work advances gender equality or who are studying in fields where their gender is under-represented. Each student will receive $2,500, for a total investment of $100,000. Find out how to apply.
Women in STEM scholarship opens for applications
The second intake for the Women in STEM scholarship is open to women currently studying in STEM fields. Each successful applicant will receive $2,500 to support their studies. Application deadline is December 31, 2021.

Advocacy in Action

Advocacy: One way we recognize the collective strength of our business community and something to celebrate during Small Business Week
We are here to serve the needs of every business in our region and have continued to champion our business community and act as an essential source of information and solutions. During Small Business Week (and all throughout the year), we recognize the importance of helping to build the businesses that support our families and our communities. We strive to strengthen our brand as an organization and community, so that our businesses and our community can be recognized as a leading-edge business network across Canada, profiling our businesses and fuelling success within the region.
We are proud and thankful for the many businesses who have chosen to partner with us to help elevate their business to the next level, no matter where they are in the business lifecycle and to those who count on us to be a voice that can carry their message and represent their interests. We have partnered to serve our business, supplying the connections, support and influence that fuels success for both businesses and for our community and we want to continue to build and grow our collective strength, so that we can ensure a strong economic recovery into the future.
We were proud to have worked with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Government on improvements to the Canada Emergency Business Account and the rent relief through the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy. We consulted and made recommendations for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and Canada Recovery Hiring Program. While these programs helped many businesses, we know that businesses are still struggling and we want you to know our work is always ongoing.
We will keep you informed as government improves the Canada Small Business Financing Program, and rolls out the Canada Digital Adoption Program and we will continue to be a voice with the Provincial Government. We were pleased with the announcements to change requirements for food courts and quick service, along with grants and training to help with the Restriction Exemption Program, as those changes were a direct result of recommendations we heard form our business community and relayed on through our meeting with the Premier and Minister Schweitzer and we will continue to make sure valuable changes like these are heard by Government on behalf of our businesses. Our next meeting with the Government of Alberta is taking place on October 21st. If you have questions or concerns, please send them to us at policy@medicinehatchamber.com.

Parliament Resumes on November 22
The swearing-in ceremony of the Federal Cabinet will take place on October 26, 2021, and Parliament will return on November 22, 2021. With the reconvening of Parliament, the Government of Canada will also deliver a new Throne Speech. In anticipation of the new Government, the Canadian Chamber released 21 mandate letters - one for each key ministerial portfolio responsible for economic issues. And, we're asking the next Cabinet to look past ideology and work with the business community as a partner to the greater benefit of Canada. The letters outline specific steps each minister can take to help businesses lead the recovery from COVID-19 and set the stage for sustainable long-term economic growth.
Next Level Events
BDC Small Business Week: Seizing the opportunity to build the way forward
BDC Small Business Week is back! Join the Business Development Bank of Canada from October 18 to 24 for an annual celebration of entrepreneurship.

Celebrate Small Business Week by Celebrating the Hero within for our 2021 Business Awards
The event on Friday October 22nd will open at 5:30 pm, where individuals can navigate the virtual event lobby, join different tables, and network with other attendees. At 6:00 pm guests will be notified of when the Award Ceremony will premiere. Once the ceremony has concluded, guests are welcome to stay with us for some additional networking opportunities.
Celebrate businesses in our community and register today: https://bit.ly/3iIMCiZ
2021 Leadership Lunch-In (Virtual)
Join us for our annual Leadership Lunch-In bringing together representatives from all levels of government in our region. Connect with us, and our elected leaders, in an open dialogue and capitalize on the chance to influence the conversation. Evolving from the annual Mayor's Breakfast, we will bring together our MP, MLA's, Mayors from Medicine Hat, Redcliff and the CAO of Cypress County and Base Commander from CFB Suffield for a town hall style event that will offer our members an opportunity to connect with their elected representatives and gain insight into their activities. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions on issues that are of importance to them. This event provides an avenue to have an open dialogue with those that are in decision making positions.
Tuesday, November 9th 2021
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Other News
Starting Tuesday, Oct. 19, Division Avenue N between 20 Street NE/NW and Northlands Way NE will be closed for approximately one week for upgrades to the natural gas distribution system.
Council approved $4.5 million in COVID Relief to be administered as an equal credit between all Medicine Hat utility accounts.
City of Medicine Hat will host 2026 Special Olympics Canada Summer Games
Other Resources
- Costs of Living Are Lower in Alberta
- Â Weekly Economic Review
- Â Alberta Economy - Indicators at a Glance
- Independent retailers podcast
- Google for Small Business
- MNP: Why cyber awareness is more
important than ever - MNP: Five non-negotiables for effective organization design change
- 7 Creative Ways To Grow Your Email List
- The Small Business Guide to Content Marketing
Other Events
October 19 | BBB Cybersecurity for Businesses
October 20 | BBB Fraud - Recognize, Reject, Report
October 20 | Stronger, Together: Connecting with Communities and Local Ecosystems
October 20 | Through a Women's Lens: Hurdles in Entrepreneurship
October 26 | Understanding Canada's Anti-spam Legislation (CASL)
October 27 | Building Your Network: Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs
October 27: BBB Digital Marketing for Small Business in 2021
October 28: BBB Employee Retention
Useful Links
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