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Your Weekly Tune Up


Watch your mailbox for your property assessment 

Property Assessment Notices will begin arriving in resident's mailboxes beginning February 28, 2023. Assessment Notices are mailed out earlier and are separate from the Property Tax Notices, allowing more time to respond to and deal with individual assessment queries and concerns before property tax payments are due. 

The assessed value of property is the basis for municipal taxes, as well as provincial education taxes and the Cypress View Foundation levy. Property assessments in the City of Medicine Hat are based on the market value of each property as of July 1 the previous year, and the condition of the property as of December 31 of the previous year. 

Legislation allows property owners 60 days from the Notice of Assessment date (March 8, 2023) to review and discuss any concerns with the City's Assessment Department. Property owners with concerns about their assessment are encouraged to contact the Assessment Department for an explanation before filing an appeal. Purchasers of property should obtain or confirm the assessment value if the sale occurs during the appeal period. 

If you do wish to appeal your assessment, appeals must be received by the Clerk of the Assessment Review Board by May 8, 2023. 

City Council sets the annual tax rate in April-May, and tax notices will be mailed out May 19, 2023. Tax payments are due June 30, 2023. It is important to note that property owners and purchasers must review their Assessment Notices before the 60-day appeal period ends as the property assessment value cannot be disputed after this time. 

Attention new property owners: The Province of Alberta Land Titles Offices is experiencing processing delays. If you recently purchased property within the city, fill out the online form under Assessment and Property Tax city website, or call 403-529-8111 or visit City Hall to ensure you do not miss important deadlines and that property assessment and tax notices are delivered accurately. 

Additional information can be found on the City website at or by contacting the Assessment Department at 403-529-8114. Additionally, the assessment presentation made to Council on February 21, can be located on the City's YouTube channel with the PDF copy here. You can also use the City's Tax Calculator to estimate your taxes. 

Provincial Budget 2023 

Read the speech delivered by Finance Minister Travis Toews to introduce the provincial government's 2023 budget and the budget highlights.

In 2023-24, total revenue is estimated to be $70.7 billion, which is $5.4 billion lower than the forecast for 2022-23. Commodity prices are expected to soften due to fears of a looming global recession, while investment income is expected to recover well after dropping in 2022-23. otal expense in 2023-24 is $68.3 billion, which is $2.6 billion more than the forecast for 2022-23. Total expense is expected to be $69.7 billion in 2024-25 and $71.2 billion in 2025-26.

Does the new Underused Housing Tax affect your business? Here's what you need to know 

Canada has a new 1% annual Underused Housing Tax on the ownership of vacant or underused residential housing in Canada. The tax usually applies to non-resident, non-Canadian owners of residential property, but in some situations, it also applies to Canadian individuals and corporations. If your corporation is an "affected owner" of residential property in Canada, you must file a return for the Underused Housing Tax by April 30, 2023, for each property you owned on December 31, 2022. To determine if the Underused Housing Tax applies to you or your business, please visit 


Increase to Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) 

Alberta's government has learned that the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) will be able to issue 9,750 nominations in 2023. It expects to receive 10,140 nominations in 2024 and 10,849 nominations in 2025, substantial increases from the 6,500 allowed in 2022. The AAIP provides newcomers in all sectors and at all skill levels, including temporary foreign workers and international graduates and entrepreneurs, with a variety of pathways to gain permanent residence in Alberta. 

Advocacy in Action

canadian chamber of commerce

Canadian Chamber - 2023 Pre-budget Submission: What We're Looking for From the Next Federal Budget 

The Chamber's pre-budget submission has been shaped by member councils and committees, on behalf of the broader membership of more than 200,000 businesses of every size from all regions and economic sectors of Canada. There are five key themes including: 

  1. Building trade enhancing infrastructure 
  2. Easing the burden of doing business 
  3. Transitioning to Net-Zero 
  4. Attracting and retaining talent 
  5. Enabling an innovative economy 

Next Level Events

The Conference

The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce is bringing a large-scale professional development conference to Southern Alberta. Hosting a panel of speakers that present new concepts and ideas that Medicine Hat has never seen before. This event will not only be an amazing learning opportunity but also will attract business owners from all over the province. 'The Conference' is going to feature a wide variety of speakers including topics of interest such as economic development, operational strategies, marketing, leadership, and motivation. 'The Conference' is perfect for long-term business owners looking to grow on a wide scale.

Event Cover

This "new to" Medicine Hat Event looks to bridge the gap of learning opportunities within an ecosystem presented to professionals within and outside of the city. 'The Conference' will begin early on Thursday, May 25th, and extend into the afternoon of Friday, May 26th.

Get your event passport here

Enriching Your Business

Lunch & Learn (1)

Chamber Group Insurance Plan Lunch and Learn

Don't miss out…..Register Here

Chambers Plan Lunch and Learn Event will be held at Brightan Financial Strategies Inc - #3, 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Wednesday, March 22, 2023, from 12:00-1:00 pm.

Is your small or medium-sized business currently looking into a Group Health & Dental Benefits program? Or perhaps you are already enrolled in one but would like to research all of your options?

Are you experiencing rate fluctuations with your current carrier?  If so, then this session is for you!

Come enjoy lunch with us and learn about the Chambers Employee Plan - the #1 Plan in Canada for Small Business.

We'll have you in and out in an hour! Limited seating so register early!

Hosted by: JoAnne Letkeman, Advisor, Brightan Financial Strategies Inc.

Fuelling the Business Community

Requests for Proposal

Our request for proposals for the 2023 year is now open. We invite you to submit via email to

Please find a list of all open requests here. Deadline for Submissions: Monday, April 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm

chamber of commerce logo
Insta 3 copy

Thank you!

We wanted to thank everyone that made the Tradeshow such a successful weekend. Thank you to sponsors, volunteers, attendees, and exhibitors. We saw so many people over the weekend and were so glad to bring such a successful event to Medicine Hat. We cannot wait for next year!

We always want to continue to improve our service to our community and we welcome your ideas and input on future shows. Connect with us and share your feedback so we can continue to expand our shows and produce outstanding events that resonate with you, our consumers.

Stay up to date! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tiktok @medhatchamber

Fill Up On Funding

Work Integrated Learn and Student Recruitment Opportunities

It's that time of year when students start looking for summer employment. Are you in need of labour and interested in hiring students? Student Work Placements may be an option for you. Work placements are a win-win for employers and students. Through Student Work Placement programs, employers can apply for wage subsidies to help them hire post-secondary students across Canada. Find out more about the opportunities and wage subsidies available here.  


Community Vibrancy Grant 

The City of Medicine Hat will begin accepting applications for the Community Vibrancy Grant on Wednesday, March 1 through to March 31 at 3:00 p.m.   

The Community Vibrancy Grant is available to non-profit organization whose project or event supports one or more of the following objectives: 

  • Promote vibrancy, energy, and enthusiasm in the community of Medicine Hat 

  • Emphasize the community and celebrate living in the community 
  • Promote recreation, leisure, social, arts, cultural or opportunities that contribute to the well-being and quality of life in Medicine Hat 
  • Promote a sense of belonging in the community. 

Anyone interested in learning more about the grant can attend a virtual information session on Monday, March 6 from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. or Wednesday, March 8 at 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. To register for one of the sessions, please contact For more information on grant guidelines, application instructions, and pre-registration details visit 

Unlock your business's full potential with the Black Entrepreneurship Program 

The Black Entrepreneurship Program provides a wide variety of support services, training opportunities, as well as access to capital and funding. Through the program's Loan Fund, Black business owners and entrepreneurs in Canada can access up to $250,000 in funding to grow their business. Delivered in partnership with the Federation of African Canadian Economics (FACE), the fund lays the foundation for future success and long-term change. Apply today. 

Black Entrepeneurship Fund

Other Resources

Access webinars and transcripts from the CRA Business Video Gallery to help you manage your business's tax affairs. 

Useful Links