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the Voice

Your Weekly Tune Up

Emergency financial help for wildfire evacuees 

Any Albertan who has evacuated under mandatory order for seven days or more can apply for a one-time emergency evacuation payment to help during this difficult time. Eligible evacuees will receive $1,250 per adult and an additional $500 per dependent child under 18 years. This means that an evacuated family of four will receive $3,500. Find out more. 

Canada announces extension to the Agri-Food Pilot, facilitating access to permanent residence for workers and their families  

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced the extension of the Agri-Food Pilot, which will now run until May 14, 2025. Launched in May 2020, the pilot helps facilitate the transition of experienced workers in agricultural and food industries to permanent residence in Canada. Learn more 


City releases 2022 Annual Report 

The City of Medicine Hat has released the 2022 Annual Report, providing residents and interested parties an opportunity to review the activities and initiatives of 2022 as well as a financial summary in a convenient and accessible format.
The document includes: a detailed description of work undertaken to meet City Council's strategic priorities; an abbreviated Chief Financial Officer's Report; and summarized financial information. The
2022 Annual Report is now available online at 

Air service survey launched for Medicine Hat residents 

Medicine Hat residents are invited to provide feedback about the community's demand, needs and wants with respect to air service from the Medicine Hat Regional Airport (YXH) through an online survey. The survey is open until Friday, June 2, 2023.  

Take the survey from the City's Shape Your City page at


Advocacy in Action

Brooks-Medicine Hat & Cypress-Medicine Hat Election Forums

The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce will be holding two election forums next week at Crescent Heights High School in the theater.

  • For the Brooks-Medicine Hat residents, a meet and greet will be held at 6 pm with the forum beginning at 7 pm on May 17th.
  • For the Cypress-Medicine Hat residents, a meet and greet will be held at 6 pm with the forum beginning at 7 pm on May 18th.

Do you have questions you would like to have asked during the upcoming provincial election? Email us at

Alberta elections - May 29, 2023 

The 2023 Provincial General Election Day is Monday, May 29. 

Registering to vote saves you time when you vote! Electors who are already on the List of Electors at their current address do not have to register at the voting place. Find out more. 


What are your economic and fiscal priorities for the next Alberta government? 

With the election less than a month away, the Alberta Chambers of Commerce network is launching the latest survey in our Alberta Perspectives market research program - this one focused on priorities for the province.  

Your opinions and feedback mean a lot to us. The survey will take ~10 min to complete and is open until 5:00PM on May 26th.  

Help us shape our perspectives here:

Next Level Events

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The Conference

The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce is bringing a large-scale professional development conference to Southern Alberta. Hosting a panel of speakers that present new concepts and ideas that Medicine Hat has never seen before. This event will not only be an amazing learning opportunity but also will attract business owners from all over the province. 'The Conference' is going to feature a wide variety of speakers including topics of interest such as economic development, operational strategies, marketing, leadership, and motivation. 'The Conference' is perfect for long-term business owners looking to grow on a wide scale.

This "new to" Medicine Hat Event looks to bridge the gap of learning opportunities within an ecosystem presented to professionals within and outside of the city. 'The Conference' will pack all this content into ONE DAY - Friday, May 26th. It's an event you won't want to miss!

Get your event passport here

Thank you to our Conference Sponsor:


Enriching Your Business

Voyage Assistance
Voyage Assistance - Social
Brightan Finanical Stategies_2015_12

Contact JoAnne Letkeman, Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor, 403-504-2166 ext 1.

Fuelling the Business Community

New Members!

We would like to welcome Specsavers and Modern Cleaning Co. to the Chamber Family!

We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

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Congratulations to SafetyBuzz Campus Ltd 

The Alberta Chambers of Commerce has announced the 2023 Alberta Business Awards of Distinction (ABAD) Finalists and we are thrilled to see one of our local nominees made the list of finalists! After careful consideration and evaluation, the ABAD judges have selected the best of the best in the industry who have demonstrated excellence, creativity, innovation, and passion in their work. They will be celebrating excellence in Alberta business on June 15th, 2023, at 4236 36 St. E, Edmonton International Airport. Learn more about ABAD and the finalists:  

Fill Up On Funding


Apply to the 2023 Startup Global Pitch Competition 

Applications for the Startup Global Pitch Competition are NOW open - and there are TWO ways for you to participate! Entrepreneurs looking to take their businesses Global and win from a $70,000 cash prize pool - can now pitch virtually or in-person at one of our Startup Canada Tour stops. Applications close on May 31, 2023, at 11:59 pm (EDT). Apply now 

Global Student Entrepreneur Awards Pitch Competition 

Are you a student entrepreneur or do you know one? The application deadline has been extended for the Global Student Entrepreneur Award (GSEA) Pitch Competition. GSEA supports student entrepreneurs who require much-needed mentorship, recognition and connections to take their businesses to the next level of success. Submit your application to be considered for $100,000 in cash prizes! Apply now 


Alberta is now accepting applications for the new Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program. 

The tax credit program offers a 12 per cent non-refundable tax credit to companies that are incorporated, registered or under the Alberta's Business Corporations Act, with the proposed investment plan having a minimum of $10 million in new capital expenditures to build or expand agri-processing facilities in the province. 

The project must also be physically located in Alberta, be a new project or a significant expansion of an existing value-added agricultural processing facility, and project expenditures must directly support an eligible value-added agricultural activity. 

Applicants must apply for conditional approval for the Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program by filling an online application form and submitting a proposed investment plan and Class 4 engineering estimate. 

For more information on the Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit program, interested parties can email 

Other Events

May 3rd-31st: Making Procurement a Part of Your Small Business Plan | Register

May 17th: Recovery and Resilience: An Overview of Recent Economic and Social Developments | Register

May 18th: EDC- Expanding Your Business South of the Border | Register

May 24th: Startup Women Industry Advisory Circle: Women in Agriculture | Register 

May 25th: Identify Your Target Market | Online | Register

May 26th: NewGrow 2023 | Brooks | Register

May 29th: #StartupChats AccessAbility Week | Register

May 29th: From Lab 2 Fulfillment (FL2F): Women in STEM & Health: Transform Your Ideas| Register

May 31st: Startup Women Webinar: How to Build Customer Trust with a Solid Brand Strategy | Register 

Useful Links