Your Weekly Tune Up

Strong Towns Local Community Meetings This Week
The Community Action Lab is a two-year project that the City of Medicine Hat is taking part in. It will introduce Strong Towns ideas to City staff and to the public, and then show how to implement these ideas to ensure Medicine Hat has a prosperous future and remains a great, livable community. Get involved this week at the Local Conversation Meetup or Curbside Chat.
New and updated OHS resources
You can visit the OHS Resource Portal for bulletins, infographics and recorded webinars supporting workplace health and safety in Alberta.
You can also take a moment to complete this short survey on the OHS Resource Portal.
New resource: Potentially serious incident (PSI) email and letter - Frequently asked questions
Updated resources:

You can also now order print versions of the Guide to OHS: Employers, Guide to OHS: Supervisors, and Guide to OHS: Workers booklets. These guides (also available to download) provide a basic overview of Alberta's legislated OHS requirements and responsibilities for employers, supervisors, and workers. Click here for the latest OHS New.
Safety Codes Bulletin: Electrical Services
Recent demands from residential landowners for the newest technologies have shown that these systems may pose a problem with existing electrical services. As we add to existing electrical systems, there is a huge potential to see services become overloaded. Unless these new electrical loads are calculated and considered before the start of the work, there is an increased chance the new device may overload the existing service panel, which would lead to an unsafe condition and pose a fire hazard to the occupants of the building. Even the installation of a new air conditioner may result in the existing electrical service becoming overloaded and require a service upgrade. The City Safety Codes Services has become aware that there are some new 100amp services being installed that may not even provide the safety
factors needed to comply with the current Canadian Electrical Codes and services are being overloaded. As a result, the City issued a Bulletin to provide clarity on roles and responsibilities of Electrical Contractors to ensure compliance with the Safety Codes Act and its regulations. Open the bulletin Electrical Inspection Load Calculation Worksheet. Read this article.
New Alberta cabinet will move Alberta forward
Premier Danielle Smith has named her new cabinet, a team dedicated to building on a solid foundation of stability, informed decision-making and good governance. The 25 members of cabinet, a decrease from the previous 27, includes a mix of experienced and new ministers who represent Alberta's diversity. As a team, they will govern for all Albertans and work to ensure Alberta realizes its full potential. Meet the new Alberta cabinet here

Advocacy in Action

Medicine Hat Regional Airport (YXH) Air Service Survey
Medicine Hat Regional Airport (YXH) is an important link between the City, Canada and the world. YXH wants to ensure it is meeting the air transportation needs of the community and region. Your input to this important survey will help provide vital direction regarding the future air service development of the Airport. Rest assured that your responses will be kept confidential and the resulting report will only present information in the aggregate. If you have traveled in the past 12 months, we encourage you to complete this survey. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Take the survey
New Youth Jobs-Training Across Clean Technology and Sustainable Resource Sectors
The government of Canada announced over $30 million for job-creation and training opportunities over the next two years for youth in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and other related fields in the natural resource sectors that have positive environmental outcomes.

Next Level Events

Only 3 days left to save 20% off your booth for the 2024 Spring Home & Leisure Tradeshow
Only 3 days left to save 20% off your booth for the 2024 Spring Home & Leisure Tradeshow happening from March 1st-3rd 2024. This year we are offering a 10% off early bird discount happening until now until June 15th 2023. The early bird discount will automatically be applied at check out PLUS if you are a Chamber member, you will automatically be given an additional 10% off when you enter your name/business into the registration. Don't miss out on this opportunity as it wont be extended. Register on the link below!
2024 Spring Home & Leisure Tradeshow Registration
Learn from the Experts
The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce is putting on "Learn from the Experts", an event where businesses are welcome to come learn, chat, ask questions, eat and drink! This is for people who are thinking about starting a business, own a business less than 2 years old, or anyone who owns a business and could use a little advice.
There will be speed-dating style one-on-one time with all the experts and an opportunity to hear from Community Futures Entre-Corp and APEX Alberta about the supports available in Medicine Hat. Come have a beer and learn how to make your business thrive!
Join us June 22nd, 2023 at Medicine Hat Brewing Company Inc @ 3:30-5:30pm. Stay after for the band that is playing as part of the Medicine Hat Jazz Fest starting at 6:00pm!

Enriching Your Business

Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fuelling the Business Community
New Members!
We would like to welcome Altruism Connection and Y Drive Canada to the Chamber Family!
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

The Medicine Hat JazzFest is celebrating its 27th anniversary from, June 19 to 25.
There are lots of money-saving options to take part in JazzFeset this year! There are free concerts every day from Tuesday, June 20 to Saturday, June 24 at 2:00 PM on the front lawn of the Esplanade. Everything from a participatory drum circle, to Winnipeg power band Apollo Suns to a jazz jam! There are also two free shows on Thursday and Friday, June 22 and 23 at the Strachan Road Servus Credit Union with local band, The Johnny Javier Quartet.
The Festival Pass gets you over $400 worth of tickets for just $189.50, and includes every event at JazzFest. There are ticket combo packages that include back-to back shows for a savings of $10 on the regular price. There are also three shows for school children at just $4/child.
Winner of an Alberta Chamber of Commerce Business Award in Arts and Culture and two Medicine Hat Chamber of Commerce Business Awards in tourism, the Medicine Hat JazzFest is now an established part of the cultural, tourism and economic life of Medicine Hat.
Visit the web site www.medicinehatjazzfest.com for full details. All tickets at www.tixx.ca.
Fill Up On Funding

Start Now Incubator Program for Women Entrepreneurs
With support from the federal government's Women Entrepreneurship Strategy Fund (WES), the Start Now Incubator will strengthen capacity and address ecosystem gaps for diverse populations of women entrepreneurs, including rural and underserved women. The program will focus on fostering connections and cultivating networks, mentor-matching opportunities and resources/supports for women entrepreneurs.
Learn more.
Other Events
May 30th-June 28th | Tween & Teen Programs at MH Public Library | Register
June 13th | Rising costs hurting your business? Strategies to protect your profits | Register
June 14th | Canadian Chamber Women in Business Summit | Register
June 16th | Battle of the Businesses 2023 | Register
June 22nd | SEAWA's 16th General Meeting | More Info
Useful Links
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