Your Weekly Tune Up

Alberta Culture Days
2023 marks the 15-year anniversary of Alberta Culture Days. Throughout September, Albertans can visit numerous locations across the province to celebrate the province's rich and vibrant culture. Artists, cultural groups, writers, dancers, filmmakers and musicians will be displaying their work that plays an integral part of weaving the rich cultural tapestry of Alberta.
Q1 update: Continued fiscal growth
Alberta is on course to record a $2.4-billion surplus at the end of 2023-24, despite an unprecedented wildfire season and ongoing economic volatility. This is $94 million higher than forecast in Budget 2023.
Strong and prudent fiscal management will help Alberta remain the economic engine of Canada. The government's new fiscal framework requires the government to use at least half of available surplus cash to pay down debt, freeing up money that can support the needs of Alberta families now and for decades to come. Based on the first quarter update, Alberta plans to eliminate $2.6 billion in taxpayer-supported debt this fiscal year. Budget documents at Alberta.ca

Short-Term Employment Forecast Validation Project
The Short-Term Employment Forecast (STEF) is an annual publication providing a three-year overview of occupations expected to be in demand in Alberta. Businesses, governments, and the public use STEF to plan and build productive and effective workforces.
They are seeking your input to ensure the results of the 2023-2025 STEF accurately reflect the unique labour market conditions specific to each local or regional area. Your feedback will be used to flag occupations where demand prospects based on the STEF do not align with anecdotal experiences, informing us that further investigation may be required. Complete the survey
Advocacy in Action
Policy win: Predictable and Fair Market Value Assessments
Since 2013, the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce has been working with the City Assessment department and local members on recommendations for a more equitable and transparent non-residential assessment process. The City's Assessment Department, particularly under the leadership of City Assessor Sue Sterkenburg, has worked diligently to improve the process and increase communication with property owners for the ultimate benefit of our business community.Â
Municipal Predictable and Fair Market Value Assessments policy update here and here

City invites residents to serve on Boards, Commissions, and Committees
The City of Medicine Hat is looking to fill vacancies for a variety of decision-making and advisory roles across its Boards, Commissions, and Committees. These roles offer Medicine Hat residents a unique opportunity to contribute to their community by advising on key policy matters and decisions.
More information and applications here
Next Level Events

Learn from the Experts is Back!
Learn from the Experts - Sponsored by McNally's Tap House. After our first Learn from the Experts event in June, we heard loud and clear that this event was incredibly impactful for all the attendees. We're inviting you back for another opportunity to meet with other industry experts with different focused topics to ask questions specific to your business. The format will be similar to the first one, with speed-dating-style conversations taking place over the course of two hours. Each attendee will have an opportunity to speak with each expert on the issues that will be most impactful to them. Register now
Canada Alberta Job Grant Insights
Have you used the Canada Alberta Job Grant for your organizations training needs? Has it been a while? Join us September 27, 2023 at 10:00am to learn about the program and whether or not your organization qualifies.Â
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees.

Enriching Your Business
Fueling the Business Community
Happy New Fiscal year! We are so excited for another year and can't wait to continue supporting all our members on their business journey. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for new member posts moving forward into this year!

Small Business week: Share your Insights
Small Business Week (October 15 to 21) is a week celebrating the small businesses that fuel Canada's economy. Fill out this form before August 31st with what advice, tips and tricks, and inspiration you would give out as a business owner/ entrepreneur.
DYK - As of 2021 data, there were 1.21 million employer businesses in Canada, and of these 1.19 million (97.9%) were small businesses. If you are a small business, we want to pick your brain and find out what advice you would share with other SMEs. We want to hear from business owners who have either been at the game for a long time or are new to game. What is your advice and what have you learned over your entrepreneurial journey? During Small Business Week, we'll share your insights! Contact us and let us know.
"... From my various roles as Director on the Board, member of the Mental Health Task Force, and contributor to numerous committees, I have seen firsthand the incredible benefits that the Chamber provides to its members. Not only does the Chamber provide valuable networking opportunities, but it also offers important resources such as educational workshops, marketing support, and government advocacy. In result, my businesses have not only survived, but thrived under the guidance and support of the Chamber. If you're looking to take your business to the next level, don't think twice about joining the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce... you won't regret it!"
- Paterson Consulting Inc. | More Testimonials
September 1st was Alberta Day, and everyone at the Chamber shared what they love so much about living in Medicine Hat and Alberta, and we asked you what you love so much about it! Take a look at why people love it here...
"The people!"
- Brightan Financial Strategies Inc.
"So thankful that we live in such a diverse province to explore and stay curious in. Medicine Hat community is full of smart, hard working, creative and ambitious people that are a pleasure to connect with."
- Becky
"I love the Mountains and beautiful blue lakes to the vast openness of the prairies. The people are so nice and welcoming and it didn't take long for it to feel like home. I love Medicine Hat because I have never lived anywhere before that I can look out of my windows and see so much wildlife on my doorstep like, deer, moose, porcupine, geese and many more."
- Kerry
"All the local happenings!!"
- Charlotte
"We have everything in this province - prairies and mountains and lakes and rivers... It's a beautiful province with truly spectacular people. The community has been so welcoming and the region has anything you could ask for."
- Alex
"The people and the weather :)"
- Fine Details Cleaning
"I have experienced big cities and small towns and have chosen Medicine Hat as my home because of the many amazing businesses, art, culture, history, trails, parks and green spaces, all focused around a river City with friendly people and amazing supports and connections."
- Lisa
"I love Alberta, especially Medicine Hat, because of the history and community. With beautiful houses dating back and small businesses growing and reaching milestones, there is so much to explore."
- Morgan
Fill Up On Funding
Women Exporters Program (WEP)
Start Up Canada is partnering with UPS Canada on the Women Exporters Program (WEP)! WEP is a digital program to help Canadian women-owned businesses connect with potential customers globally through international trade and e-commerce. Applications are now open! By joining this cohort-based program, you'll get access to:
- A series of five webinars focused on foundational aspects of exporting essentials
- Valuable knowledge about exporting from market access to regulatory consideration
- Advisory support from Startup Canada mentors and advisors and connect with UPS Ambassadors
- A certificate of completion

- In-kind shipping credits and special shipping discounts from UPS!
WEP is FREE to join, but spots are limited. Be sure to apply before the October 13 deadline to secure your spot! Apply Now!

Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) released CUAS Sandbox 2024 details
Building on the results of the 2022 CUAS Sandbox, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and its defence and security partners (RCMP, public safety, etc.) are seeking CUAS solutions that can detect and/or defeat Micro and Mini UAS with systems that can be integrated into the broader military command and control systems, with an emphasis on hard-kill options.
More information, visit the webpage here.
Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for our August 28th crossword puzzle!
Remember that if you subscribe to our weekly email, you get access to the crossword puzzle! Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw. The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master!
Other Events
September 12th-14th | Carbon Capture Canada pan Canadian Convention | Register
September 13th | EDA Attracting Remote Workers - Why and How Webinar | More Information
September 16th | Women in Business: 2nd Annual WIB Expo | Register
September 17th-21st | 24th World Petroleum Congress | Register
September 27th | Startup Women: How I Raised My First 100K - And I What Did Next | Register
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