Your Weekly Tune Up
What are Government of Alberta Workforce Consultants
The Workforce Consultants (WFCs) are a team within Alberta Jobs, Economy and Trade that supports developing a strong and resilient labour force by providing employer outreach services in all regions of the province. WFCs work primarily with employers, employer associations, business networks, chambers of commerce, and other regional organizations focused on workforce development issues, as well as with other government stakeholders. WFCs provide their stakeholders with knowledge and resources to address local and regional workforce attraction, recruitment, and retention. WFC Services include:
- Referrals to relevant provincial and federal workforce programs and support in understanding and accessing them.
- Coaching and advice to empower stakeholders to identify and address their workforce development challenges.
- Supporting stakeholders in building partnerships and networks locally and regionally.
- Collection and sharing of regional labour market information (LMI).
- Synthesizing and relaying stakeholder input to inform Government workforce development policies and programs.
To be connected with your regional WFC, contact us at wfc@gov.ab.ca.

Changes to Alberta Health Care
To overcome current challenges within the health care system and deliver the right care for Albertans at the right time, Alberta is refocusing the health care system. These changes will focus on the priority sectors of primary care, acute care, continuing care and mental health and addiction to ensure Albertans receive the best care within a single, fully integrated, high-functioning system. Read the full press release
Government of Canada Releases 2024-2026 Immigration Levels Plan Â
Federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship unveiled the report, An Immigration System for Canada's Future, outlining steps to enhance Canada's immigration system. Changes include a program to encourage newcomers to settle in small towns, francophone communities, rural areas, and the North, with a pathway to permanent residency. Find out more.

CWF: Future of Work and Learning 40 | Mental Health and Workers
This edition is focused on mental health and substance use impacts on the workforce and includes references to suicide and specific substances. Read more about mental health and productivity, finances, burnout and anxiety, high risk occupations and innovative solutions, along with some sector and occupational resources.
Advocacy in Action
East Ring Enhancement Project
The City of Medicine Hat is actively preparing for growth and demand for electrical energy. To prepare for this growth, the city plans to enhance its current eastern transmission system. This plan involves making existing structures stronger and moving transmission lines if needed. These actions will help the city be well-prepared for future growth by increasing the line capacity from 69 kilovolts (kV) to 138 kV. The project website is here: https://shapeyourcity.medicinehat.ca/erep. We wish to understand any potential concerns with the proposed scenarios before decisions are made so we can relay your concerns on. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to industry@medicinehatchamber.com.

Two online surveys from the Government of Alberta on how to improve election processes and accountability for locally elected officials
To strengthen the local election process and improve trust in locally elected officials, Alberta’s government is seeking input from the public and stakeholders on the Local Authorities Elections Act and the Municipal Government Act. Input from the surveys, open until Dec. 6, will help inform potential changes to the two acts. Any input gathered will build on feedback collected in 2021 and 2022 regarding local elections and councillor accountability. View this announcement online
Facing challenges hiring skilled workers in Alberta? You're not alone.
Alberta is experiencing a skills shortage - and we want to learn more about the challenges that you face hiring the skills you need.
The Alberta Chambers network has partnered with industry partners and the Government of Alberta to explore skills shortages and labour market issues.
If you're struggling to hire skilled talent, this is your chance to have your voice heard.
The survey will take 5 minutes to complete and is open until 5:00 P.M. on November 17th. Survey results will be made publicly available on the Alberta Perspectives insight community Hub. Share your voice.

Next Level Events

Over 40% booths sold, book today! 2024 Home + Leisure Tradeshow
Each year the Chamber invests time and resources into creating a quality trade show for our community, and we are proud to host not only the longest-running, but the largest trade show in Medicine Hat. With thousands of consumers visiting the shows over the course of three days these trade shows give an incredible opportunity to gain exposure for your business, demonstrate and sell products, and showcase your services.
With over 40% of the booths sold, don't miss out on securing your space! Register now
Midnight Madness is THIS FRIDAY!!
Midnight Madness is a yearly event that usually takes place a week before Black Friday to encourage people to shop early and support the local shops and owners within the downtown core.Â
Come on down and enjoy all that downtown has to offer with live entertainment, giveaways, retail sales & specials, food and beverage offerings from your favorite local hot spots, a petting zoo, buskers, horse & carriage rides (weather dependent) and so much more. Check out the deals, specials and discounts that will be happening that night here!

2023 AGM & President's Reception
See what we've been up to, drink, eat, and connect with others at this annual event!
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM), President’s Reception and Member Appreciation is an opportunity to meet and network with Chamber of Commerce members, current/past Directors and Presidents of the Board, and the Chamber operations team.Â
Our AGM's theme this year is "Taking the Time to Reflect"; look back through the past year and learn how the Chamber of Commerce has played a pivotal role in our business community through our advocacy efforts, business engagement and member benefits programs. Register to save your spot here!
Intercultural Christmas Gala
Tickets are Available Here. Early Bird Ticket Pricing Ends November 24th!
The Gala is an evening of fun, food, entertainment and intercultural experiences. We also have lots of door prizes. For 17 years, this event has been anticipated by both international and local people in Medicine Hat. Come dressed in semi-formal attire to enjoy an evening full of laughter, good food, games, reconnecting with friends and live music entertainment.
Watch some of the captured memories from previous years at the Intercultural Christmas Gala.

Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome Stigma-Free Society and SurfacePro to the Chamber Family!
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

Launch of Southeast Alberta’s 2023 Vital Sign
On October 30, the Community Foundation of Southeast Alberta held it’s Vital Sign luncheon to launch Southeast Alberta’s 2023 Vital Signs. Providing information about seven different issue areas that influence community vitality and wellbeing throughout our region, the report helps to gain a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist within our communities so that we can work together to create solutions that will lead to a more vibrant and prosperous future for Southeast Alberta. Read this year’s Vital Signs: https://cfsea.ca/we-inspire/vital-signs/

Gabriella (from Germany), learning about engineering in our District.

Lu (from Italy) and May (from Taiwan) in Calgary, learning about start-up businesses.

Manvi (from our District) with host family in Italy.
The New Generations Service Exchange (NGSE)
As an exciting benefit of your membership of the Medicine Hat and District Chamber of Commerce, we would like to introduce and invite you to a unique, international opportunity. This comes to you through the Rotary Club of Medicine Hat and its Rotary International Southern Alberta District 5360. The New Generations Service Exchange (NGSE) is a short-term, customizable, shadowing program for 18 to  30 year young adults in any trade or professional.
The program is in its 10th year internationally and nearly fifth year in Medicine Hat, where businesses have already hosted a German law student in 2019 and a Brazilian graduate in entrepreneurship and marketing, virtually, in 2021. In the year ahead, the YMCA in our city will welcome another Brazilian, this one specializing in sport and recreation.
International participants provide their own airfare and "mad" money. Local Rotary clubs arrange for host families, local transportation, immersive cultural experiences, and exposure to humanitarian service. Â
What's in it for your business to host an NGSE participant for a week or more? Exceptional publicity opportunities come to mind. In addition, there are international connections that can be explored and developed for nothing more than having a mentor from your organization show how your business works and thrives. There is also a chance for your team to showcase its own community service activities to an international audience. Interested? Feel free to contact Margie Booyens of The Rotary Club of Medicine Hat at margiebooyens@gmail.com.
Fill Up On Funding
Strengthening rural Alberta
Alberta’s government released its Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan in December 2022.
To further implement this plan, Alberta’s government is investing $6 million in the new Small Community Opportunity Program, which will back Indigenous and small communities, helping rural Alberta grow its economic footprint. The Small Community Opportunity Program opened for applications on Nov. 10 and is for populations of fewer than 20,000. Albertans can learn more and apply online. Indigenous and small communities, and the non-profit organizations that support them, can apply for grants between $20,000 and $100,000 for local, community-led projects. Learn more

Student Work Placement Programs
Join the Workforce Consultant Team with the Government of Alberta for a free 1.5 hour webinar from the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) and the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) to discuss funding programs for businesses. Canada Summer Jobs offers wage subsidies for summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30, while the Student Work Placement Program provides funding for co-op placements, interns and practicum positions. Learn how these programs can boost your business!
During the presentation, these expert speakers will guide you through the funding programs, including how to apply and who is eligible, as well as answer any questions you may have. Register
Inventures 2024 Startup Pitch Event – Apply Now!
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to pitch your product or service to a stellar panel of VCs, angel investors and industry heavyweights, live in Calgary at the annual Inventures conference, May 29-31, 2024. Finalists receive free registration to all Inventures programming, access to professional coaching and on-site mentoring opportunities, plus a chance to score $10,000 in funding!
Applications are open now for startups focused on the following areas:
- Growing Up: Food Tech Farm to Fork
- Tech Triathlon: Quantum + AI + IoT
- Blurring Boundaries: Tech at Work
- Entrepreneurship: Accelerating Scaleup
- Live Long Live Well: Unveiling Health Data
- Earth Tech: Building Everything Better
It’s FREE to apply! Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2024. Apply Now.

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the November 6th crossword puzzle.
Remember that if you subscribe to our weekly email, you get access to the crossword puzzle! Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw. The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master!Â
Our first crossword winner is Rhonda Lowe with Mobil Gas Bar!! An email with bragging rights and credits will be sent your way; and if this wasn't you don't be discouraged! The next draw will be February.
Other Resources
Alberta Economy - Indicators at a Glance
Labour Market Notes – Labour market pulls back
Alberta Regional Dashboard - information about living, working, and doing business in Alberta’s diverse regions.
Bullying in the workplace: What it looks like and the role you play in stopping it
Other Events
November 17 | Midnight Madness | More information
November 21 | Employment standards in Alberta – General overview | Register
November 28 | The Importance of Paid Advertising in a Digital Space | Register
November 30 | Presidents' Reception & Member Appreciation | Register
November 30 | Temporary Foreign Workers and employer rights and responsibilities | Register
December 5 | Employment Standards in AB – Vacation pay and general holiday pay | Register
Useful Links
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