Your Weekly Tune Up

Helping 6600 Internationally Educated Healthcare Professionals work in Canada
$86 million in funding supports 15 nationwide projects to enhance the recognition of credentials for 6,600 internationally educated health professionals. Initiatives aim to streamline recognition processes, simplify steps, offer Canadian work experience, and enhance labor mobility within Canadian jurisdictions. Learn more
Did you know... Online reviews posted by employees: businesses could be liable
Anyone who writes or permits writing reviews that give a false or misleading impression to consumers could be liable under the Competition Act. The Bureau recommends that businesses:
- Train employees to properly disclose their business connection when posting reviews about the company or its competitors.
- Put in place a compliance program to prevent misleading reviews

Provide your feedback
Shape Your City is the City's online engagement hub to learn about projects and topics that affect our community. Here's are some current projects:
- JUST LAUNCHED! Arts, Heritage, and Entertainment Master Plan - establishing a direction for the City's arts, heritage, and entertainment sectors - Link to online survey
- Transportation Master Plan - establishing the vision for Medicine Hat's transportation network
- East Ring Enhancement Project - upgrading Medicine Hat's electricity transmission lines
...more to come! Visit Shape Your City
City of Medicine Hat: New Bid Opportunity on Bids and Tenders - Consulting Services - Asset Retirement Obligation
Thanks to the BBB for the shout-out to Chamber in their recent article: BBB Business Tip: 20 advertising ideas for your small business - Check it out

Advocacy in Action

Have your Say: Alberta is growing - are your workforce needs growing too?
The Alberta Chambers network has partnered with industry partners and the Government of Alberta to learn how business plan to grow and the talent roadblocks that they face. Share your insights in 2-3 minutes to help inform critical government funding decisions to educate and train the workforce you need to grow. Survey results will be shared back with Alberta Perspectives community members via email with key takeaways for your business. This activity is open until 5:00 P.M. on February 9. Share your Insights
CEBA loan deadline
The Canadian Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans deadline has arrived, and our Alberta Perspectives Research offers insights into the challenges being faced by businesses in Alberta. We gathered 533 responses, with 501 of them from CEBA recipients.
- 26% have repaid in full
- 34% are confident they will be repaid by deadlines, and
- 41% feel they will not be able to repay the loan in time to retain the forgivable portion

Shape Alberta's child-care system
In March 2023, daily child-care fees averaged $20, with a target of $10 by 2025-26. Parents are encouraged to share view on high-quality child care and expected services, contributing to future changes in the child-care system. Learn more
A Stronger Health Care System Engagement Opportunities
Albertans are encouraged to register for the in-person engagement sessions starting January 23 to discuss challenges, solutions, and innovations for a stronger health care system. Share your experiences and insights to contribute to a more effective and accessible health care system designed to meet the needs of Albertans. Learn more

Next Level Events

Evolution of Energy - Action & Elements
Brought to you by Action Land & Elemental and Elements Land Consulting, join us for panel discussions regarding the evolution of energy and overcoming the barriers to development at this industry night! February 1st at Ralph's Texas Bar & Steak House Ltd. where there will be time for discussion, networking, business showcasing and cocktails.
See who the experts are and register here!
Save the date!! AG Advocacy Forum - Industry Network
In follow up to our previous ag-advocacy forums in 2018-2019, we are reconnecting to prioritize the top concerns and opportunities within the agriculture industry and be a part of creating solutions that will make a difference. Together we can effectively determine action plans to move forward and advocate for our region.
Happening February 21st, register here!!!

2024 Home + Leisure Tradeshow is happening soon!
A few months away and coming up FAST!! With over 60% of booths sold, there is still prime space available and it's going fast. With thousands of consumers visiting the shows over the course of three days these trade shows give an incredible opportunity to gain exposure for your business, demonstrate and sell products, and showcase your services.
Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
Walking into a fresh new year, why not start it out by taking action in making your business the best it can be? Here's a fresh reminder for you on why your Chamber Membership is beneficial:
Your Chamber of Commerce is your local hub for TONS of business resources, funding, connections and networking, extra marketing to promote your business, member to member deals, the list goes on!! Need a more specific look at what we offer you? Check out the links below for what member benefits and deals look like! Need further convincing, want to connect with us, ready to utilize your resources or are ready to become a member? Connect with us!
Reasons to Become a Member | Member Benefits | Member Exclusive Deals

White Fox Group will be shifting to Bullin Construction Co.
White Fox Group Ltd is pleased to announce we are going back to our roots. We will no longer be White Fox Group but will be shifting to Bullin Construction Co. As you may or may not know Bullin Construction Co. is a 3rd generation family business. The original BCC was formed by my grandfather Jack Bullin in 1955 up thru 1985, strongly related to our focus today. We are proud to go back to our roots and continue to deliver transparency and forward thinking to our projects.
Feel free to check out our new website as well, www.bullinconstruction.ca
January Limited-Time Promotion for New Chamber Members!
$100 Statement Credit for New Chamber Members: Promotion period: January 1st to 31st.
Throughout the month of January, any new member who signs up through our Chamber Referral Program will receive a $100 statement credit! This exclusive offer is available for a limited time!
How Members Can Participate:
- Submit a web inquiry through the Elavon Chamber landing page here,
- Our dedicated sales representatives will promptly reach out for a consultation within 24- 48 hours,
- Complete the sign-up process by January 31st, 2024, and members will be qualified to receive $100 Statement credit.

Taking care of your employees' mental health is good for business.
The Arive Employee Assistance Program delivers a proven ROI of up to $11 for every $1 invested into the program.
That's just one of the many great features our members love about Chambers Plan! Get a quote
Ideal for businesses with 1-50 employees, our flexible and personalized group benefits are designed to meet your business's changing needs and budget with:
- Plans that hold Health options include Teladoc® telemedicine virtual care services.
- Business Assistance Service (BAS), access to professional accounting, counselling, legal and human resource experts who understand the challenges faced by small business owners.
- my-benefits health®, a health and wellness resource site for all employees provided through my-benefits, Chambers Plan's online benefit management platform.
- Best Doctors®, connecting individuals and their treating physician to world renowned specialists to obtain an expert medical opinion on an existing diagnosis and treatment plan.
Customizable coverage of benefits program to meet their needs. More here or contact your local Chambers Plan Rep
Fill Up On Funding
New grant programs to support community-driven diversity, inclusivity and anti-racism initiatives
The Ethnocultural Grant program supports community initiatives that promote Alberta's multicultural diversity and foster inclusivity, including supporting Indigenous community organizations in celebrating and sharing their rich historical heritage. The Ethnocultural Grant program has two streams:
Stream 1 is for projects that create opportunities for intercultural connections with ethnocultural and Indigenous groups (funding up to $50,000).
Stream 2 is for projects that create opportunities to celebrate diversity (funding up to $15,000).

The Anti-Racism Grant program is designed to increase awareness of racism, its impact and the challenges faced by racialized groups, and to support community-driven anti-racism initiatives. The Anti-Racism Grant operates two streams with specific program objectives:
Stream 1 is for projects that promote awareness of racism and the impacts of racism faced by Indigenous and racialized groups. Projects aligning with at least one outcome in either program objective of educating Albertans on the impacts of racism or enabling community organizations to develop their ability to support anti-racism projects are eligible for up to $5,000 in funding.
Stream 2 supports community organization anti-racism projects. Projects aligning with at least one outcome in both program objectives of educating Albertans on the impacts of racism or enabling community organizations to develop their ability to support anti-racism projects are eligible for up to $10,000 in funding.

Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG)
With the Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG), training new or existing employees is more affordable than you might think. This grant program is open year-round and can help offset the cost to train your workforce. The CAJG is employer-driven, meaning that you decide what training is necessary to meet your business goals and who will get the training. If your application is approved, you will be reimbursed two thirds of the cost of the training, to a maximum of $10,000 per trainee per fiscal year. If you are hiring and training an unemployed Albertan, 100% of training costs could be covered, to a maximum of $15,000 per trainee. Find out more.
Sign up for the Dream Business Program
The Dream Business Program is the ultimate guide, offering knowledge, support, and a vibrant community on your entrepreneurial journey! Refine your ideas, access essential tools, secure funding, and thrive in business and your community! Don't let uncertainty hold you back. Register today.
Innovation Employment Grant
Companies can receive a grant of up to 20% toward qualifying research and development expenditures. The Innovation Employment Grant is delivered through the corporate tax system and does not follow a formal application process. Eligible corporations will be able to claim the grant when they file their annual corporate tax returns. Find out more.

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the January 15th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other News
Government of Alberta- Culture and Status of Women Grants
City Council Highlights from January 15, 2024
What important tax updates and reminders should you keep in mind in 2024?
Statement: Investment and economic growth in 2023 - Minister Jones
Global and Mail Op-Ed by Canadian Chamber: Politicians' grand housing visions forget to involve folks who actually build homes
Useful Links
Find more updates on our social media