Your Weekly Tune Up

Congratulations to Bow Island and Duchess on making the list of six rural communities named in Alberta to sign a housing deal
$13.8 million will be allocated to support housing growth in six small towns and rural communities across the province through the federal housing accelerator fund. The benefited communities are: Banff, Sylvan Lake, Bow Island, Westlock, Smoky Lake and the village of Duchess.
Foundations of Intercultural Leadership Management
We were pleased to be included as a partner with the Connection, Saamis Immigration and the Medicine Hat College as they delivered a workshop on intercultural leadership management. Sessions included culture dimensions with information on power distance, collectivist and individualistic approaches, and how to adapt within HR practices and processes. We also learned how to build cultural capacity with cultural competence and awareness, conflict resolution and cross-cultural communication. This is the first of many sessions with more information in the coming months. If you would like to be added to a contact list for these sessions in the future, please email industry@medicinehatchamber.com.

Supporting Black Canadians
We were pleased to participate in the Black History Month Celebration held at the City of Medicine Hat in partnership with the Connection, the City of Medicine Hat and Saamis Immigration. Powerful messages were shared on celebrating diversity, the importance of uniting and bringing people together, and bringing greater education and awareness though local stories. You can view a few of the pictures here.
On a federal front, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an extension until 2028 of the International Decade for People of African Descent to continue promoting equality and empowering Black Canadians. Read more
Division Avenue rehabilitation project
Division Avenue South serves as crucial arterial road that serves a substantial residential area, with up to 10,000 vehicles using it each day. The section of the road between 3rd Street SE and 12th Street SE is in poor condition, with significant cracking and damage to the pavement. This requires the road surface be completely removed and replaced. The anticipated start date for this project is in April 2024 (weather pending). Watch the video to see the transformation. View Project webpage

Advocacy in Action

Safety Codes Bulletin: New National Building Code
In anticipation of the National Building Code-2023 Alberta Edition (NBCAE 2023) and National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020 (NECB 2020), the City of Medicine Hat aligns with the Alberta Municipal Affairs' transition strategy outlined in Order in Council O.C. 014/2024 Building Code Regulation. Check out the latest bulletin that serves to guide stakeholders through the transition period starting January 24, 2024, to full enforcement on May 1, 2024, ensuring compliance for new building permit applications. Read more.
Updating workplace health and safety rules
Provide input on proposed updates to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Code to improve workplace health and safety. The survey targets workplace violence, explosives, and oil/gas wells, aligning with modern practices. Proposed updates aim to incorporate new best practices, updated standards, and technological advances while reducing administrative burden. Take the survey (open until March 19, 2024)

Freeze the Alcohol Tax
It's time to address the pressing issue of automatic tax increases on alcohol that not only burden Canadian consumers, businesses and alcohol producers, but also pose a significant threat to Canada's economic recovery. With excise rates slated to rise by nearly 5% in April 2024, these increases exacerbate the financial strain already felt by Canadians amidst ongoing economic challenges like unaffordable housing and inflation. Chambers across the Country have been advocating on this issues since it was first imposed in 2017. It is imperative that the federal government take action now to prevent further economic hardship and support the recovery of businesses, particularly those in the hospitality sector. Find out more.
Transportation Master Plan
In July 2023, the City of Medicine Hat (the City) initiated the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
What is a Transportation Master Plan? TMP's lay out the long-term vision for a city's Transportation network, encompassing comprehensive strategy, initiatives, and infrastructure developments. Medicine Hat's TMP will plan for the next 30 years, taking into account evolving transportation infrastructure requirements to accommodate growth and cater to the changing needs of travelers, while aligning with direction from the Municipal Development Plan.

The ultimate goals of the TMP are to foster healthy, sustainable communities and drive economic growth by ensuring safe, dependable travel and efficient movement of goods. Learn more about the Transportation Master Plan Guiding Principles.
Have your say! As part of the City's commitment to creating a reliable and sustainable transportation network, the City wants your feedback on the TMP. We invite you to participate in three surveys regarding the future of transportation in Medicine Hat:
Part I -Transportation Master Plan: Vision and priorities.
Part II - Transportation Safety: Strategies for safer travel.
Part III - Active Transportation: Promoting Walking, cycling, and other sustainable modes.
We also encourage you to share these surveys within your networks to ensure broad community input.
For more information and stay up to date with the project's progress, please visit: shapeyourcity.medicinehat.ca/transportation-master-plan. Thank you for your support and participation!
Next Level Events

Trade Show is THIS WEEKEND!!!
Are you as excited as we are?! We can't wait for you to come down and enjoy the trade show this weekend in the Cypress Centre. There is going to be some amazing booths, delicious food, and awesome energy!
Friday @ 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday @ 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday @ 11:00am - 4:00pm
Get some more details here | Get your tickets | Check out the show guide
Chamber of Commerce Luncheons: Minister of Finance, Honourable Nate Horner | Premier Danielle Smith
The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce a luncheon with the President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance, Honourable Nate Horner as he presents Budget 2024 on March 6th at 11:00am - 2:00pm. Register here
Later on May 2nd, the Chamber is pleased to announce a luncheon and presentation/ Q&A with Premier Danielle Smith at 11:00am - 1:30pm. Register here.

Get your tickets: Harlem Globetrotters
Thursday, March 7 @ 7:00pm | CO-OP PLACE | MEDICINE HAT, AB
Groups Save Up To $15 Per Ticket! To secure your group tickets and receive the best savings on your group order contact: Sam Patay @ rpatay@grouptixs.com | (813) 417-3481
Tickets may also be purchased online with savings available by entering promo code: GRPGHI
https://buy.tixx.ca/eventperformances.asp?evt=1369 (Online fees will apply)
Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome JMH & Co. Brooks and Driven Motors MH to the Chamber Family!
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

Congratulations to Yusuf Mohammed of the Connection on being named as co-chair to the newly established Alberta Black Advisory Council
Premier Danielle Smith and Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism Muhammad Yaseen have launched an advisory council to tackle racism and systemic barriers for Alberta's Black community. The council will provide advice to government to help address anti-Black racism and systemic barriers faced by Black Albertans, along with initiatives that improve their socioeconomic well-being and promote cross-cultural exchange and understanding. Led by two co-chairs, Nketti Johnston-Taylor and Yusuf Mohammed, the 11-member council will guide the Alberta government in efforts to build stronger relationships with diverse communities represented in the province. In addition, by creating cross-cultural awareness, understanding and appreciation, all Albertans will be better able to build new and stronger relationships. Find out more.
Support Downtown: Third Street downtown utility and surface upgrades
The City will be upgrading downtown's water and sewer systems, originally installed back in the early 1900s. The goal is to ensure a reliable and future-proof utility network along 3rd Street SE. The anticipated start date for this project is in April 2024 (weather pending). View the project webpage
Businesses will remain open during the construction so please continue to support them during construction. Check out the downtown collective page here!

February Limited-Time Promotion: Meet or Beat Offer!
Promotion period : February 1st - February 29th : If Elavon cannot match or beat your current rates with your current provider, we will give you a $250 Visa gift card!
How Members Can Participate:
- Submit a web inquiry through the Elavon Chamber landing page: https://join.paymentstart.com/cachamber
- Our dedicated sales representatives will promptly reach out for a consultation within 24-48 hours.
- Complete the sign-up process by February 29th, 2024, and if Elavon were not able to meet or beat members' current rates, members will be qualified to receive $250 Visa gift card (please refer to flyer footers for more details).
Fill Up On Funding

For entrepreneurs aged 18-39: Apply for a collateral-free loan of up to $20,000
Futurpreneur is Canada's only national, non-profit organization that provides financing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39. Current or aspiring business owners, in this age range, can apply for collateral-free, five-year business loans of up to $20,000 at better interest rates than most financial institutions. But Futurpreneur offers more than access to financing. Through its internationally recognized mentoring program, the organization matches young entrepreneurs with a business expert from a network of more than 2,600 volunteer mentors. Find out more.
Apply for Canada Post Community Foundation grant before Friday, March 1
The Canada Post Community Foundation provides grants to Canadian schools, charities and community organizations that make a difference in the lives of children and youth (up to age 21). Since 2012, the Community Foundation has granted $13.5 million to 1,100 projects across Canada. 2024 applications will be open until March 1, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (EST). Learn more
Supporting women in the trucking industry
The province has approximately 4,260 job vacancies for transport truck drivers. To address this labor shortage, $40 million will be allocated over four years, including a $2.8 million commitment over two years for commercial driver training grants. The goal is to increase the representation of women in the industry, alleviate shortages, and contribute to the province's economic success. Learn more

Canada Carbon Rebate 2024-25
The Canada Carbon Rebate (previously known as the Climate Action Incentive Payment) returns fuel charge proceeds to Canadians through direct deposit or cheque, every three months, ensuring most households get more money back, with lower-income households benefiting the most. All direct proceeds are returned in the province of origin. Starting this April, a family of four will receive Canada Carbon Rebates of: $1,800 in Alberta ($450 quarterly). Learn more
Agriculture Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)
We are thrilled to share that Growing Opportunities through the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) will be available again for Summer 2024 on February 26th. Whether a student seeking valuable work experience or an employer eager to invest in emerging talent, SWPP has something special to offer. To apply simply visit the SWPP Application Page and complete the online application form.
If you'd like to learn more about SWPP, including eligibility criteria and detailed program information, please visit the website. For any questions or additional information, reach out to Megan Lockhart at mlockhart@cahrc-ccrha.ca

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the February 20th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other Resources
Other Events
March 1 | Startup Global | Your Checklist to Export ) | Register
March 22-23 | The Canada Investment Destination Expo
Procurement Assistance Canada webinars | Register
Employment Standards Webinars | Register
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