Your Weekly Tune Up

2024 Trade Show was a success!!
This past weekend, March 1st-3rd, was the 2024 Home & Leisure Trade Show and we had an AMAZING time!! Thank you to all our vendors and sponsors who made the weekend a great one, and we hope that all who came out to walk around and check out the booths enjoyed the event.Â
Check out some of the content we captured over the weekend on our Instagram and Facebook page!
Did you stop by one (or all) of the days as an attendee? We would love to get some feedback from you with a short survey so we can continue to improve the event!
Keep an eye on our trade show page to stay updated on next year's trade show!Â
Alberta Budget 2024
Budget 2024 presents three more years of balanced budgets, beginning with a forecast surplus of $367 million in 2024-25. Priority investments include:
Health and mental health supports: $26.2 billion in operating dollars, a 4.4 per cent increase over the forecast for 2023-24.
Education supports: $9.3 billion in operating expenses, a 4.4 per cent increase from last year, to support record enrolment growth, hire hundreds more education staff including teachers and educational assistants, and support students with specialized needs.
Social supports: $2.9 billion in 2024-25 to Albertans through the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped program, the Alberta Seniors Benefit and other social support programs, plus

$355 million for Alberta Child and Family Benefit payments to help low-income families, indexing payments to inflation and providing for more eligible clients.
Workforce supports: An increase of $102 million over three years to add 3,200 apprenticeship classroom seats in high-demand areas and support curriculum updates to the apprenticeship program, as well as $62.4 million over three years to expand physician education, including through rural health training centres.
Public safety supports: $1.2 billion in 2024-25 operating expense for Public Safety and Emergency Services to support police and mental health crisis teams, deploy street-level police officers to tackle crime in Calgary and Edmonton, and provide $74 million to the Alberta Emergency Management Agency.
Wildfire supports: $151 million operating expense over the next three years for enhancements to the Wildfire Management Program and $55 million in capital investment for new firefighting equipment and facilities. The fiscal framework provides the flexibility the government needs to respond quickly to disasters and emergencies as they arise, including a $2-billion contingency.
Water management and drought preparedness supports: $1.3 billion in capital funding over the next three years, including $251 million to better prepare the province for floods and droughts; $272 million for irrigation projects; and $539 million to support municipal water supply and wastewater infrastructure. Budget 2024 also provides additional operating support of $19 million over three years for the Strategy to Increase Water Availability and $9 million for water management initiatives.
Capital supports: In total, $25 billion over three years in capital funding to build schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure, supporting 24,000 direct jobs and 13,000 indirect jobs across the province.
Read more and find out what the budget means for you.

International Women's Day: Friday, March 8th
Remember that this Friday is international women's day, where people come together and celebrate and recognize the achievements of women over time!
The Government of Canada's theme for International Women's Day (IWD) 2024 is Invest in women: Accelerate progress. "It's a call to action and a reminder that gender equality is one of the most effective ways to build healthier, more prosperous, and more inclusive communities. We all have a role to play in building a future where everyone can reach their full potential. It is time to act - because women's success is everyone's success."
Check out their digital toolkit and ways to get involved here.Â
Advocacy in Action
Gas, electric, wind energy rates for March
The March natural gas default rate is $2.0239 per gigajoule (GJ), down from the previous month of $2.494 per GJ. On Nov. 20, 2023, City Council passed bylaw 4798 that amends the gas utility bylaw in order to provide consumers with a single natural gas rate starting Jan. 1, 2024. The rate is based on the weighted average cost of the City's natural gas purchases for the month of consumption, plus $0.07/GJ to recover transactional costs and a small rate of return. More on their website

RBC - Women Entrepreneurs Awards applications open now
The RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards have recognized and celebrated the strides of Canada's most accomplished, influential, and impactful women. It is the leading women's awards program in the nation, elevating this group's important contributions - from economic growth to social change across sectors and industries.
Nomination deadline is March 22, 2024 and the application deadline is May 3, 2024. Learn more
Next Level Events

Support your business community, attend grand openings!
March has multiple grand openings throughout the month, which is a great way for you to a) get out and about, b) support the community around you, and c) network with other businesses and individuals!
Check out our grand opening calendar today!
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon: Premier Danielle Smith
The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce a luncheon and presentation/ Q&A with Premier Danielle Smith on May 2nd at 11:00am - 1:30pm. Register here.
Event Agenda:Â
11:00 - Doors open and networking
11:30 - Welcome & Introductions
11:45 - Buffet Lunch served
12:15 - Premier Danielle Smith: Presentation followed by Q & A
1:00 - Closing Comments

Alberta Business Awards of Distinction 2024
Nominations, Applications and Registration are now open! Nominate a deserving business or apply for this year's awards! Don't miss on the opportunity to be recognized in Alberta! Nominate. Apply. Register.
Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome KidsPlay Preschool Ltd. and eRadio Global Corp. to the Chamber Family!
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

Support Downtown: Third Street downtown utility and surface upgrades
The City will be upgrading downtown's water and sewer systems, originally installed back in the early 1900s. The goal is to ensure a reliable and future-proof utility network along 3rd Street SE. The anticipated start date for this project is in April 2024 (weather pending). View the project webpage
Businesses will remain open during the construction so please continue to support them during construction. Check out the downtown collective page here!
Limited-Time Promotion: $200 Statement Credit Offer for New Chamber Members
Promotional period: March 1st - April 30th.
Throughout the months of March & April, any new member who signs up through our Chamber Referral Program will receive a $200 statement credit! This exclusive offer is available for a limited time, and we want to ensure that your members are among the first to take advantage.
How Members Can Participate:
- Submit a web inquiry through the Elavon Chamber landing page: https://join.paymentstart.com/cachamber
- Our dedicated sales representatives will promptly reach out for a consultation within 24- 48 hours
- Complete the sign-up process by April 30th, 2024, and members will be qualified to receive $200 Statement credit *please read flyer footers for more details

Community Well-Being Workshops
Help inform Medicine Hat's Community Well-Being Plan! Save your seat here
Workshop #1: Community organizations | March 19th @ 9:00am-12:00pm
Workshop #2: Community organizations | March 19th @ 2:00pm-5:00pm
Workshop #3: Business & Community Leaders | March 20th @ 9:00am-12:00pm
Fill Up On Funding

The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Is Still Accepting Microgrant Applications!
Applications are still open - your business may be eligible for a $2,400 microgrant through the Grow Your Business Online stream of CDAP! Cover the cost of adopting new e-commerce technologies and reach more of your customers online. Plus, you can access a network of e-commerce advisors for advice and support! To learn more about what possibilities this grant may unlock for your business, review the eligibility criteria, and submit a program intake for, reach out to the Business Link.
Making legal aid accessible to more Albertans
To ensure more Albertans have access to legal aid services, Alberta's government is increasing the qualifying income threshold, also known as the financial eligibility guidelines from $24,456 (gross) per year to $30,000 (gross) per year. This means anyone making up to $30,000 (gross) per year could become eligible to receive representation through legal aid, thereby opening doors for more Albertans to access legal aid services. The new eligibility guidelines take effect April 1. Find out more.

A different kind of energy community contest
Medicine Hat has a different kind of energy. Tell the City what makes Medicine Hat unique for you and you could win a $1,500 local prize package! Submit your story and/or tag the City in your photos/videos using #DifferentKindOfEnergy on social media. Draw date is Wednesday, June 5. Share your story | Watch the video
12 Unconventional Financing Strategies Every Startup Should Know
Navigating the world of small business financing can be challenging. While traditional methods like personal savings, loans, and specialty programs are common, sometimes thinking outside the box is necessary. Check out some innovative ways to finance your small business venture, each offering unique benefits and considerations.
Community Microgrant program is accepting applications for 2024
The City is accepting applications for its Community Microgrants program offering up to $500 in two categories: Neighbourhood Connections and Community Arts & Culture.
Community microgrants are designed to foster connections in the community through gatherings and activities, with a variety of focuses. The program is intended to encourage residents to organize activities and events that strengthen bonds within their communities and/or neighbourhoods. The program is currently accepting applications for 2024, which will continue until the end of the year or until the allocation of total funds. Applicants will be informed about the status of their application within 30 days after submission. Both individuals and groups have the option to apply either online or through a printed application form.
For more information on grant guidelines and to apply now visit, medicinehat.ca/grants

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the February 26th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other Events
March 20 | Hype or opportunity? What AI means for your business | Register
March 22-23 | The Canada Investment Destination Expo
Procurement Assistance Canada webinars | Register
Employment Standards Webinars | Register
Useful Links
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