Your Weekly Tune Up

March is Fraud Prevention Month
In 2022, Alberta's government launched CyberAlberta, bringing together cybersecurity professionals from organizations across the province with a goal to strengthen Alberta's cybersecurity. This program invites membership from any public, private or non-profit organization operating in Alberta, and it focuses on sharing information and knowledge to help members stay ahead of evolving and emerging threats. CyberAlberta has taken this work one step further by launching a website, making its information available to a wider audience and on demand. It also creates an opportunity to introduce additional services in the future, with early plans including a member discussion forum and a public job board with positions available in member organizations. CyberAlberta currently has membership from more than 200 organizations operating in a variety of economic sectors. Organizations interested in learning more are invited to contact cyberalberta@gov.ab.ca.
Influencer Article from Memory Lane Computers: 10 tips for Staying Safe
In today's interconnected digital landscape, computer fraud poses a significant threat to individuals, businesses, and organizations. Cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities to steal sensitive information, compromise systems, and perpetrate financial crimes. As technology advances, so do the tactics employed by fraudsters. Check out these 10 tips for staying safe.

My Digital ID for Business to transition to Alberta.ca Account
The Government of Alberta is introducing new sign in options based on user feedback. If you've been asking for a way to access your account with the same username and password you use every day, the Government has heard you. Alberta's government is migrating MADI-B to the new Alberta.ca Account for Organizations platform to create a secure and consistent user experience for organizations and their staff in accessing digital services. Going forward, when you enter your workplace email, you will be redirected to the appropriate sign-in page without having to create a new account specific to our platform.
Anyone with an existing MADI-B account can continue to use those usernames, too. Some of the benefits and new capabilities of this include:
- Email based sign in (no more usernames)
- Search for an organization (see if your organization is already listed)
- Use your everyday Google or Microsoft account (no new passwords)
- Add more than one organization to your account (no more having to create a new email account to represent another organization)
Alberta.ca Account for Organizations will be available on March 15, 2024. To learn how to navigate the new Alberta.ca Accounts for Organizations platform, please refer to the Instructional Videos:
Council Highlights
At the Council meeting on March 4, City Council gave first readings to the following bylaws. Public hearings will occur on April 8, 2024. Find out more:
- Bylaw 4805 Code of Conduct. The bylaw has been updated to reference a provision for members of the public and City employees to make complaints against members of council; Use of social media by council members; "Discrimination" and "Harassment" are now included as prohibited behaviours; Pecuniary interest; Conflict of interest language; Timelines and processes for complaints.
- Bylaw 4808 to amend the Land Use Bylaw. The amendment would rezone the 800 block of 2 Street SE (lots 6 - 20

3. inclusive) from Community Services District (CS) to Medium Density Residential District (R-MD) to allow the Land and Real Estate department to obtain Council authorization to sell the lots and ultimately receive a future development proposal that aligns with the vision of the Municipal Development Plan. A public hearing will occur on April 8, 2024.
4. Bylaw 4809 to amend the Land Use Bylaw. The proposed amendment would see 830A Balmoral Street SE rezoned from Medium Density Residential District to Neighbourhood Commercial District to accommodate a proposed change of use and a future residential development proposal. A public hearing will occur on April 8, 2024.
5. Bylaw 4810 to amend the Land Use Bylaw. The proposed amendment would see the rezoning of Lot 37, Block 3, Plan 3204M to Medium Density Residential District, in order to accommodate future development. A public hearing will occur on April 8, 2024.

Important: Are you affected by the change to GST/HST electronic filing requirements?
For GST/HST reporting periods that begin in 2024, all GST/HST registrants, except for charities and selected financial institutions, will be required to file returns electronically. If this change applies to you, there will be penalties for not filing electronically. Note that if you file monthly or quarterly the penalties will be waived until April 2024. Â For more information, visit Businesses: Are you affected by the change to GST/HST electronic filing requirements?
Tax planning made simple: Key filing and payment deadlines for businesses
Effective tax planning is all about timing. Whether it's filing returns or making payments, understanding these deadlines can save you from unwanted stress. Whether you are a seasoned business owner or just starting, knowledge is power. Here is a quick reference with important dates you need to know this year!
Advocacy in Action
Improved Property Tax Estimator Calculator
Assessment notices were mailed on February 28 which typically launches the discussion about the difference between property assessment and property taxes. Property assessment refers to the valuation of a property. On the other hand, property taxes are levies that property owners must pay to support local services like schools, municipal services, infrastructure, and public safety (police and fire).Â
We were pleased to learn that the City of Medicine has implemented a recommendation that the Chamber of Commerce made last year to further develop and add to the existing Tax Estimator website page.Â

The recommendation was to further break down where a ratepayers tax dollars were going, similar to the City of Calgary's webpage. The Property Tax Estimator Calculator is on the website under:Â Home/ Home, Property & Utilities / Assessment and Property Taxes/ Property Tax Estimator: https://forms.medicinehat.ca/Finance-Tax/Tax-Estimator
This tool on the webpage allows residents to enter their 2024 assessment values to estimate what their taxes may be. Until the 2024 taxation bylaw is passed in May, the 2023 tax rates are used as an estimate. A ratepayer would:
Select their assessment class from the drop-down menu (Residential, Multi-family, Non-residential or Farmland) and then enter their assessed value.
The webpage will populate their estimated taxation amount for the municipal, education and Cypress View levies.
Further calculated amounts take a few extra moments but the webpage will then display how their municipal tax dollars are spent (police, fire, parks, etc).
We appreciate the City implementing these recommendation and the improve the information displayed to ratepayers.
If you want to learn more about understanding your assessment, click here.

Budget 2024: Expanding Alberta's road and bridge network
Budget 2024 will invest more than $8.1 billion for the Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors' three-year Capital Plan, a $136.4-million increase compared with Budget 2023. Budgeted is support for the development of the province's major trade corridors through projects such as twinning Highway 3 and Highway 11. Also announced was improvements to Highway 41 South of the #1 Highway and south of Elkwater. Budget 2024 will also provide nearly $312 million to build and repair water management infrastructure, including dams, spillways, canals and control structures. This investment provides irrigation for the agriculture sector and flood mitigation for Alberta communities. Watch the news conference and read the announcement.
This announcement aligns with the advocacy work of the Highway 3 Twinning Association, our Chamber of Commerce, along with Chambers and municipalities across Southern Alberta for more than a decade on the twinning of highway 3. In addition, improvements to highway 41, support our request for upgrades to highway corridors serving the port facility.
KPMG will conduct Medicine Hat's energy business review
On Sept. 5, 2023, Medicine Hat City Council directed administration to convene an independent third-party review of the City's energy business to confirm overall strategic approach to ensure best value for the community. Through a request for proposal (CMH23-113), the City of Medicine Hat awarded the contract to KPMG LLP. The intent of the review is to ensure that ownership, governance, financial, rate design approach, and other relevant considerations are assessed to deliver optimal value for the community in light of changing community and external circumstances. During contract negotiations, the City of Medicine Hat and KPMG mutually agreed to include the City's electricity and gas distribution business in the project, shifting the focus from a 'COMCO review' to an 'energy business review' to consider all energy related business units given their natural interdependencies and synergies.

It is important that the community understands up front that KPMG is bringing their expertise to bear on these complex topics and, consistent with their RFP response, will not be conducting community consultation as part of their review. The results of the independent third-party energy business review are expected to be presented to City Council by the end of 2024. Follow along at www.medicinehat.ca/EnergyBusinessReview.
The Chamber is pleased to see this review and the expanded scope, as stated in our October 11, 2023 letter to Council on conducting a review on the future of utilities in the City of Medicine Hat.

National Pharmacare Plan
The federal government is proposing to implement a national Pharmacare plan to provide health benefits to Canadians. It is estimated the program will cost $40 Billion annually. We are engaging Alberta's business community to understand perceptions of the costs and benefits of such a program, including employee recruitment. Thank you in advance for contributing to this survey: https://www.albertaperspectives.ca/c/r/npp2024network
Community Well-Being Plan Survey
You are invited to participate in shaping the future of well-being in Medicine Hat. The Medicine Hat Community Well-being Plan will serve as a roadmap for promoting health and well-being across the community. This document aims to reflect the diverse needs and experiences for all community members, ensuring that our shared vision for well-being is inclusive and comprehensive.
To gather your insights on Community Well-being, you are invited to participate in an online survey. Your feedback will help the City shape a plan that truly represents our community's experiences and needs. For more information and to stay up to date with the project's progress, please visit: https://shapeyourcity.medicinehat.ca/community-wellbeing-plan. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and closed April 15, 2024: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/medicinehatwellbeing.

Next Level Events

Luncheon with Minister Horner Recap
On Wednesday, March 6th the Chamber was pleased to host a luncheon where the Minister of Finance, Honourable Nate Horner, took the time to present Budget 2024. Thank you to Nate Horner for coming out and everyone who attended.
Thank you Chinook Village as well for hosting us in your terrace room. We are excited for the year ahead!
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon: Premier Danielle Smith
The Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce a luncheon and presentation/ Q&A with Premier Danielle Smith on May 2nd at 11:00am - 1:30pm. Register here.
Event Agenda:Â
11:00 - Doors open and networking
11:30 - Welcome & Introductions
11:45 - Buffet Lunch served
12:15 - Premier Danielle Smith: Presentation followed by Q & A
1:00 - Closing Comments

Recruit, Reward and Retain: Discover the Power of Employee Benefits
- Attract top talent with the most desirable benefits today.
- Learn innovative ways to motivate & reward your workforce, boosting loyalty and reducing turnover.
- Optimize your budget with expert tips on creating a cost-effective benefits package.
Real-world examples, expert insights and actionable steps. Plus, as a bonus explore exclusive benefits offered through Chambers Plan. Click HERE
Employment Standards webinars
Webinars including live Q&A are scheduled for the following topics. Click HERE to register or find out more. To book a presentation for your organization, email EOP.Presentations@gov.ab.ca.
- Overview of Employment Standards - Vacation Pay and General Holiday Pay - March 12, 2024 (1:30 PM)
- Employment Standards in Alberta - Administration and Enforcement - March 26, 2024 (1:30 PM)
- Temporary Foreign Worker Advisory Office - TFW & Employer Rights and Responsibilities - March 27, 2024 (10:30 AM)
- Employment Standards in Alberta - Wages and Overtime - April 10, 2024 (10:30 PM)
- Employment Standards in Alberta - Construction Overview - April 16, 2024 (1:30 PM)

Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome DMM Energy Inc. and Centennial Garage to the Chamber Family!
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

Alberta Chambers of Commerce (ACC) and Alberta Post-Secondary Network (APSN) launch new Talent Development Task Force Landing Page
The mission of the Talent Development Task Force is clear: to bridge the gap between academia and industry, empowering students to enter the workforce equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in today's competitive landscape. You can explore the landing page at https://www.abchamber.ca/talent-development-task-force/. Here's what you'll find:
- Explore Skill Up Tool: available until March 31, 2024
The Skill Up Tool tool is designed to identify opportunities for learning in-demand skills and match your existing skills and experiences with high-demand occupations.
- Access Accurate Labour Market Information:
Learn valuable insights about Alberta's labour market with our high-quality data
- Build a Talent Pipeline:
Discover how Mitacs funding can support developing students with the precise skills your business needs.
Limited-Time Promotion: $200 Statement Credit Offer for New Chamber Members
Promotional period: March 1st - April 30th.
Throughout the months of March & April, any new member who signs up through our Chamber Referral Program will receive a $200 statement credit! This exclusive offer is available for a limited time, and we want to ensure that your members are among the first to take advantage.
How Members Can Participate:
- Submit a web inquiry through the Elavon Chamber landing page: https://join.paymentstart.com/cachamber
- Our dedicated sales representatives will promptly reach out for a consultation within 24- 48 hours
- Complete the sign-up process by April 30th, 2024, and members will be qualified to receive $200 Statement credit *please read flyer footers for more details

Fill Up On Funding

Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) grant open
The Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) grant is accepting proposals between now and April 1 at 3 p.m. for projects, services, and preventative social initiatives that enhance the social well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Please note: organizations currently receiving funding from FCSS are eligible to apply. To learn more, join an information session on Monday, March 11 from 12 - 1 p.m. or Wednesday, March 21 from 12 - 1 p.m. Contact bonyar@medicinehat.ca to register for a session. View guidelines and Apply now
Drought and Flood Protection Program
The Drought and Flood Protection Program would help fund the design and construction of projects that protect critical infrastructure from flooding and drought and help to protect public safety. This could include projects to relocate or drought-proof critical infrastructure, improve drainage or water retention ponds, and stabilize riverbanks or construct flood barriers. The program would be application-based and municipalities, improvement districts, special areas, Metis Settlements and First Nations would all be eligible to apply. Find out more.

Funding for the Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program
With an increase of $1 million to a total investment of more than $4 million over two years, this program focuses on helping youth populations at increased risk and enhancing crucial community and suicide prevention supports. Grant funding will be distributed equitably to selected community organizations across the province that work to expand the capacity of existing suicide-prevention initiatives, or pilot new, innovative initiatives that address identified suicide-prevention gaps and unique community needs. Applications will open on March 4 and be issued on two-year terms starting July 1, 2024. The application deadline is April 15, 2024. Find out more
Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the March 4th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other News
Other Resources
Alberta Economy - Indicators at a Glance
Labour Market Notes - Labour market picks up steam
Economic Spotlight - 2023: Labour market year-in-review
Labour Market InSight - Strength in the construction sector
Economic Trends publication
Boost Business Growth With a Brand Awareness Strategy (2024)
Other Events
March 12 | Market Research for Business Success | Register
March 19 | Optimizing for Search Engines - Understanding SEO Basics | Register
March 20 | Hype or opportunity? What AI means for your business | Register
March 21 | Canva Part II: Start your AI Journey Through Canva Magic Studio | Register
March 22-23 | The Canada Investment Destination Expo
Procurement Assistance Canada webinars | Register
Useful Links
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