Your Weekly Tune Up

We are pleased that the newly named Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce is here to serve the Southeast Alberta Region. With a new name and new district boundaries approved under Corporations Canada, we will be able to strengthen the region and bring greater collaboration and connections to our business community across this corner of our province.
Effective chambers of commerce are great venues to give a voice to businesses big and small, and the new Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce, with the expanded boundaries and membership, will have more impact and will create a regional collaborative mindset, which in turn will benefit everyone who is invested and involved. We're here to help and make sure you have access to the services and support that our Chamber provides. View the full details of the change of name and boundaries here and connect with a member of our team to find out more about how we can help.
Emergency Preparedness Week: May 5-11
Emergency Preparedness Week (EP Week) is a nationwide event that has run for more than 25 years in Canada and takes place annually during the first full week of May. EP Week is an opportunity to build more resilient communities and increase Albertans' risk awareness by identifying local hazards and sharing tips on how to prepare for an emergency.

City of Medicine Hat Launches Community Survey
The City of Medicine Hat has enlisted IPSOS to conduct a community survey targeting Medicine Hat residents aged 18 and older between May 6 to 26. The results will provide City Council and administration reliable data to better understand community sentiment around a variety of City topics, in turn supporting decision making. https://www.medicinehat.ca/en/news/city-launches-community-survey-2024.aspx
City of Medicine Hat Invites Community to Public Engagement Event at Towne Square
The City of Medicine Hat is inviting residents to their third 'Municipal Mingle' public engagement event, at Towne Square on Wednesday, May 15, from 4 to 7 p.m. The event is an opportunity for community members to connect, engage, and share their feedback on a range of local initiatives. https://www.medicinehat.ca/en/news/city-invites-community-to-public-engagement-event-at-towne-square.aspx.

Rural Renewal Program Introduced to Southeastern Alberta Communities
Medicine Hat Economic Development is pleased to celebrate the launch of the Rural Renewal Program, a collaborative immigration initiative, in partnership with the Government of Alberta and neighbouring municipalities of Cypress County, Town of Redcliff and Town of Bow Island, collectively known as the Southeast Alberta Immigration Partnership. https://www.medicinehat.ca/en/news/rural-renewal-program-introduced-to-southeastern-alberta-communities.aspx Businesses can learn more about the Rural Renewal program at www.saimmigration.ca
3 Street SE Downtown Construction
Next up for the major water and sewer rehabilitation downtown is the closure of 6 Avenue SE from 2 Street SE to 3 Street SE, as well as the intersection of 3 Street SE and 5 Avenue SE, on May 6.
Special thanks to the contractor working on this project, as the crews park offsite and shuttle to the work zone so that they don't take up valuable parking spaces for downtown visitors.
Check out the free parking options and more project details.

Alberta is Calling Skilled Trades
The third phase of the Alberta is Calling campaign launched, targeting British Columbia, Québec, and Ontario. This initiative includes a $5,000 refundable tax credit, known as the Moving Bonus, to entice skilled trades workers to contribute to Alberta's construction projects and infrastructure development. Learn more
New Canadian Internal Trade Data Hub
The Hub provides open and accessible pan-Canadian data on key economic sectors including the agriculture, energy and transportation sectors, the movement of goods and services and interprovincial labour mobility. The interactive data platform includes user friendly tools, graphics and visualizations to provide valuable insights across the Canadian economy and better assess opportunities to strengthen internal trade. Learn more

Advocacy in Action

New Tools for Business with Progress in Supply Chain Policies & Processes
The Southeast Alberta Chamber of Commerce (formerly the Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce) has been pleased to work with the Supply Chain department with the City of Medicine Hat over the last 5 years around some of the concerns expressed by our members related to procurement and purchasing. We were pleased to see the procurement policy and protocols reviewed and updated in August 2023. More recently there has been additional work on the procurement bylaw, internal training and annual reporting, along with updates to the City's procurement landing page to provide more transparent information on the City's purchasing and frequently asked questions.
We have been pleased to see process improvements, highlighting successes such as changes to the policy, processes and timelines that have been implemented. The annual report highlights contract values, showing volume of work contracted out, along with the percentage of work that is done regionally and provincially. The report highlights close to 70% of the contractual values are awarded regionally and also features information about low-value contracts, competitive contracts and invitational contracts.
As an example of the progress made, our vendors have stated that they have seen a noticeable difference since 2019 on SOAs and the department has been open to ongoing and regular conversations over the past five years.
We encourage businesses to check out the annual report and view the updated purchasing and procurement landing page here: https://www.medicinehat.ca/en/government-and-city-hall/purchasing-and-procurement.aspx. Stay tuned for more details as there will be more information added soon.
Sustainable Municipal Finances
The property tax bylaw was presented to City Council on April 22. As a Chamber, we appreciated that the tax ratio did not increase with a predictable outcome based on previous financial planning and projections. When the City commended it's financially fit plans they had communicated a plan to increase property taxes by 2% to replace the tax rate stabilization fund, replacing the long-standing subsidized portion of the property tax, along with implementing the 2% increase for inflation. Within the presentation presented to Council, there was a commitment to continue to reduce the property tax ratio, which is in line with the Chambers recommendations for tax equity. You can view the presentation online.

Additionally, the City presented the initial 2025-2026 budget assumptions at the City Council Committee of the Whole on April 23. This presentation laid out budget plans and concepts for Council, giving a good understanding of the direction for the upcoming budget year. The information was presented in an open committee of the whole meeting so that it is available for the public to view.
The City of Medicine Hat CFO report was also recently presented with a focus on long-term planning and a better understanding of the reserve funds and their purpose in future planning and capital replacement, abandonment and reclamation costs, as well as the energy transition. You can view the full report here: https://shapeyourcity.medicinehat.ca/budget-2025-2026.
Stay tuned for more updates on the progress made related to sustainable municipal finances..
Next Level Events
Downtown Collective Town Hall
The Town Hall is an opportunity to hear from the Downtown Collective Committee on progress and plans, as well as to learn about the various events and initiatives. We will also use this as an opportunity to engage with City Council. Please Submit Questions Online. We will prioritize pre-submitted questions and will provide these to the Medicine Hat City Council in advance. Wednesday, May 8, 2024 (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (MDT)
We are also asking you to help us determine what the priorities are for our downtown core in the upcoming year. Please submit your priorities online here.

Air Service Workshop
Join us May 9th from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm, in the Chamber Boardroom, for an Air Service Workshop along side the Medicine Hat Regional Airport.Â
11:30 am - Lunch (included)
1. Overview of Business Cases - Presented to Air Canada and Westjet
2. Outcome of Airline Meetings
3. Overview of Air Service Strategic Plan
4. Next Steps & Question
Coffee & Conversations
Join the Chamber Thursday morning to enjoy coffee and conversations about your business, our business, or life in general! This is a great opportunity to connect in the mornings if your afternoons and evenings are too busy. You can stop by for a quick hello or stay and chat for a while; everyone is welcome! Register Here
Thursday, May 16, 2024 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) (MDT)

Learn from the Experts: Social Media & Marketing
Learn from the Experts is back for 2024, this time focusing on Social Media and Marketing. Following up on a successful 2023 launch, we are back and better than ever! Â You will have the opportunity to make valuable connections, learn new skills to elevate your business and enjoy an evening with fellow Chamber members, staff, and our curated panel of Experts.Â
The format will be speed-networking-style conversations taking place over the course of two hours. Each attendee will have an opportunity to speak with each expert on the issues and opportunities facing themselves and their business.Â
Spark MD Inc. Grand Opening
$50 Tim Hortons give-away! Who doesn't love free coffee?!
Join us in celebrating the grand opening of Spark MD Inc! There will be coffee and doughnuts, and a ribbon cutting at 12:00pm.Come check out the new Unit in Medicine Hat and area that may save you from those unexpected emergencies! Thursday, May 23, 2024 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (MDT) Register Here

Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.

New Capital Gains Inclusion Rate Proposed to take Effect June 25
What does the capital gains inclusion rate change mean for you? Start planning now and learn how this may impact you, your trust, or your business when selling investments and other capital property, before the change is proposed to take effect on June 25, 2024
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome three businesses to the Chamber Family! Larrabee Enterprises, Spark MD Inc, Sun City Sentinel.
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!
Fill Up On Funding

Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses
The proposed Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses, part of the Budget 2024 plan, aims to give back a portion of fuel charge proceeds to a province. This rebate would be in the form of a refundable tax credit directly for eligible small businesses, determined by the number of employees they have in the province. Eligibility criteria include being a Canadian-controlled private corporation with fewer than 499 employees throughout Canada in the relevant calendar year. File your 2023 business taxes by July 15th to be eligible! Learn more
New Active Communities Initiative
Budget 2024 is directing $30 million through the new Active Communities Initiative to eligible community groups, non-profit organizations and societies, and First Nations and Metis Settlements that wish to build or enhance spaces that support sport and recreation in their communities. The grant is intended for small and mid-sized projects, including indoor and outdoor skating rinks, community pools, indoor turf centres, pickle ball courts, and other sport and recreational facilities. The Active Communities Initiative is a fund-matching program and has two streams for prospective projects:
- Stream 1 funds projects from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum of $500,000.
- Stream 2 funds projects from a minimum of $500,001 to a maximum of $1,500,000.

Alberta's Aviation Grants Set a Flight Plan to Soar
Alberta has invested nearly $13 million in the aviation and aerospace industry to train and strengthen the aviation workforce through the Aviation Skills Grant program.
There's still time to enter to win the Different Kind of Energy $1500 local Prize pack

Brooks-Newell Region News

Revised Electoral Boundaries
If approved before December 31, 2024, the proposed new boundaries would be in effect for the Oct. 20, 2025 municipal election. A public hearing was held to receive input on new geographic boundaries for nine electoral divisions within the County of Newell. The proposed changes include moving the Southern border of Tilley, north to Highway 535. The question was raised as to why population numbers matter. Councillor Neil Johnson took the question as he was a big proponent of making the change. "Division 10 has 1300 people which means that a vote from a smaller Division that has 500 people in it their vote actually counts three times and you can't have that kind of disproportion.
Votes are made on every motion at every council meeting." County of Newell residents have the right to petition against the bylaw. A valid petition must be signed by at least 10 percent of the population or 747 electors. The deadline for submitting a petition is June 17, 2025.
The bylaw and related information is available on the County of Newell website. (Article courtesy of LarkSPUR)
Brooks - Newell Business Mixer
Join us on May 15th, 2024 for our inaugural Brooks-Newell Business mixer, held in the Atrium at the Heritage Inn and Convention Centre from 6pm-8pm.
Get to know your Chamber Staff and make valuable connections with your business community and City Leadership.
Space is limited for this event, so don't delay!
Charcuterie boards and canapes will be offered throughout the evening and bar service will be available.

Tilley Solar Project
The Tilley Solar Project, a collaboration between Alexander Business Corporation, First Nation Power Development, Concord Green Energy, and the Canada Infrastructure Bank, has achieved financial close with a total project cost of $52 million. Located in Newell, the project will feature a 23.6-megawatt solar farm with significant economic benefits for the Alexander First Nation and other partners. (Article courtesy of LarkSPUR)
Revitalizing the Crop Diversification Centre South (CDC)
The County is in lease negotiations with the Government of Alberta (GoA) to take over management of the CDC facilities. In December, Council formed a committee comprising four Councillors and two experts in agriculture and research to maximize the facility's potential for agricultural research. (Article courtesy of LarkSPUR)
Check out more County of Newell News here

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the April 29th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other Events
May 9 | Air Service Workshop | Register
May 23-26 | Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival | More Here
Procurement Assistance Canada webinars | Register
Upcoming live webinars on employment standards For more information, or to register for one of the sessions, please visit alberta.ca/employment-standards-webinars.aspx
Useful Links
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