May 13th, 2024
Your Weekly Tune Up

Assessment Request for Information (ARFI)
The City of Medicine Hat Tax Assessment department has mailed out Assessment Request for Information (ARFI) packages to property owners of improved non-residential and multi-family property classes. This process of collecting property related data is the first step towards developing the 2024 assessment roll for tax year 2025. Collecting data annually ensures the assessment roll reflects current market information. Assessment values are established to allow for equitable distribution of taxes. Higher response rates will increase the statistical confidence level in the resulting assessment values. It is important for property owners to retain their ability to participate in the assessment appeal process.
For property owners to be eligible to appeal their 2025 assessment, they must respond completely to an ARFI by the July 4, 2024 deadline. As always, property owners are encouraged to contact the Assessment department directly if they have questions regarding their property assessment or if they require any assistance in completing their request for information forms.
Introducing BREIS: the Business Retention and Expansion - Industry Specific research initiative
Medicine Hat Economic Development is pleased to introduce BREIS. BREIS marks a departure from traditional business retention and expansion studies. Instead of taking a broad approach, they are diving deep into one industry at a time. The goal? To build strong relationships within the business community, gather industry-specific insights, and develop actionable strategies for sustained growth and success.
Why? Because supporting our existing businesses isn't just good practice; it's essential for economic development. These businesses are the backbone of our community, driving employment and investment. Join Medicine Hat Economic Development as they embrace innovation, foster growth, and build a stronger, more resilient community. For more information, check out https://www.medicinehat.ca/breis/

New Tools to Accelerate Affordable Housing Development
Bill 20 proposes amendments to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) to support affordable and attainable housing construction. Changes include full tax exemptions for non-profit subsidized affordable housing, multi-year residential property tax exemptions to encourage development, and requiring digital options for public hearings to increase community participation.
Learn more
Alberta Releases Drought Response Plan
Alberta's new 2024 Drought Response Plan will help guide the province through any and all drought conditions. This is a plan covering everything from conservation plans and water-sharing agreements to declaring an emergency and prioritizing water for human health and safety. It will help make sure that Albertans, communities, farmers, ranchers and businesses get the support they need, whatever the weather. There are five stages of Alberta's drought response and the current situation is Stage 4. Find out more
Find the City of Medicine Hat water info here

Investing in Irrigation Rehabilitation Program
Through Budget 2024, Alberta's government is providing $19 million for the Irrigation Rehabilitation Program, an increase of $5.5 million over last year. This funding will help irrigation districts update their water infrastructure and allow them to do more within their current water allocations.
Alberta's Vision for Passenger Rail
Alberta's government will develop a Passenger Rail Master Plan as the foundation to advancing passenger rail in the province. Learn More Here

Advocacy in Action

Our Concerns Over Potential Rail Strike & Handling of Bill C-59
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is concerned over the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference's announcement that workers at CN and CPKC have voted to authorize strikes. This development comes at a critical time, following recent labour disruptions at key ports. A potential strike at both railways would severely impact Canada's reputation as a reliable place to do business and strain our already fragile supply chains. Read the Statement
In addition, during the clause-by-clause study on April 30 of Bill C-59, significant amendments to the Competition Act were made without prior consultation with affected businesses, using a process criticized for lacking transparency and accountability. These amendments are seen as straying from international best practices and are anticipated to elevate regulatory compliance costs, particularly for SMEs, and reduce competition.
Comprehensive Review of the Personal Information Protection Act
The Government of Alberta Standing Committee Invites Submissions from Albertans on the Personal Information Protection Act Review. This legislation was last reviewed in 2016. For more information on the Act and to make a submission, visit the committee website: assembly.ab.ca/assembly-business/committees/RS. The deadline for public submissions is Friday, May 31, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Note: submissions and identities of authors may be made public.

Government of Canada Launched the Development of Canada's 2025-2029 National Action Plan (NAP)
The Open Government team collaborated with the civil society members of the Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Open Government to co-create the 2025-2029 NAP key themes. As foundational elements of the 2025-2029 NAP commitments and milestones, the themes set the stage for the Government of Canada to be more transparent, accountable and participatory.
2025-2029 NAP key themes:
- Meaningful and inclusive public participation
- Protecting civic space and democracy
- Anti-corruption, public confidence and corporate transparency
- Designing inclusive government programs and services
An online engagement platform was launched to collect ideas and perspectives from the public, businesses and civil society on the 2025-2029 NAP themes. Check out the platform! Find more information on the themes and timelines, and share your ideas, thoughts and perspectives.
English : http://parlonsgouvouvert.ca
French : http://parlonsgouvouvert.ca
This consultation phase will run until May 31, 2024
Next Level Events
Coffee & Conversations
Join the Chamber Thursday morning to enjoy coffee and conversations about your business, our business, or life in general! This is a great opportunity to connect in the mornings if your afternoons and evenings are too busy. You can stop by for a quick hello or stay and chat for a while; everyone is welcome! Register Here
Thursday, May 16, 2024 (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM) (MDT)

Learn from the Experts: Social Media & Marketing
Learn from the Experts is back for 2024, this time focusing on Social Media and Marketing. Following up on a successful 2023 launch, we are back and better than ever! You will have the opportunity to make valuable connections, learn new skills to elevate your business and enjoy an evening with fellow Chamber members, staff, and our curated panel of Experts.
The format will be speed-networking-style conversations taking place over the course of two hours. Each attendee will have an opportunity to speak with each expert on the issues and opportunities facing themselves and their business.
Spark MD Inc. Grand Opening
$50 Tim Hortons give-away! Who doesn't love free coffee?!
Join us in celebrating the grand opening of Spark MD Inc! There will be coffee and doughnuts, and a ribbon cutting at 12:00pm.Come check out the new Unit in Medicine Hat and area that may save you from those unexpected emergencies! Thursday, May 23, 2024 (11:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (MDT) Register Here

Safety Buzz Grand 20th Anniversary
Friday, May 24, 2024
Let's celebrate Safety Buzz and their 20th anniversary! With coffee, snacks and a ribbon cutting at 12:30 pm! Register Here
Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Member News

Servus and connectFirst Credit Unions announce historic merger will proceed.
In a landmark move for cooperative banking in Alberta, Servus and connectFirst Credit Unions proudly announce that their merger closed on May 1. This announcement follows approval from the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation and more than 84 per cent of each credit union's membership. Together, connectFirst and Servus now unite more than 3,000 employees and serve approximately 500,000 members across 140 branches in 80 Alberta communities. Find out more
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome three businesses to the Chamber Family! Twist & Flip Gymnastics, E.I.S. (Exhibit Installation Service) Inc., and Pet Park Boarding.
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!
Fill Up On Funding

New HAT Smart Incentive Encourages Water Conservation.
At the regular City Council meeting on May 6, 2024, Council approved an amendment to the popular HAT Smart program to incorporate a $150,000 water conservation incentive for 2024, available immediately. Find out more or stop by the Municipal Mingle event on May 15 from 4-7 pm to find out more about a range of local initiatives. The first 30 people who visit the water conservation booth will receive a free rain barrel.
Energy Innovation Challenge Launches $2.4M Program to Diversify Alberta's Energy Economy
Decentralized Energy Canada (DEC) and the City of Medicine Hat are proud to announce the launch of the Energy Innovation Challenge (the Challenge), a groundbreaking three-year program aimed at empowering small and medium-sized Canadian businesses to overcome commercialization obstacles and bring their innovations to market. The Energy Innovation Challenge was launched to support small businesses with promising decentralized energy solutions. The Challenge is the first of its kind in Alberta and has two main objectives: to pilot innovations that address grid congestion issues, and leverage government investment and private capital to strengthen the economy. The Energy Innovation Challenge is inviting applicants to submit their clean technology initiatives for review. For more information about the application process and timelines, visit https://www.deassociation.ca/innovation-challenge. Application Deadline is June 21, 2024.

Industrial Transformation Challenge
Through Emissions Reduction Alberta, the Alberta government is making $50 million available to help industries, big and small, develop and commercialize the innovations needed to reduce emissions, diversify the economy and create high-paying jobs. The Industrial Transformation Challenge focuses on scale-up, pilot, demonstration and first-of-their-kind commercial projects for use in the agriculture, forestry, industrial manufacturing, energy and other natural resource sectors. It will help these industries not only reduce emissions and waste, but also cut costs and stay competitive in global markets. This competition is open to a wide range of projects. For example, it could fund initiatives to help eliminate methane emissions, improve thermal energy storage, or reduce emissions in everyday agriculture and forestry operations. It could also include practical projects like fuel switching and electrification, critical minerals extraction and more. Successful applicants are eligible for up to $10 million per project, with a minimum request of $500,000. The deadline to apply is June 21. Applicants are invited to visit Emissions Reduction Alberta's website for more information.
Funding Through the Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative
Alberta's government is investing nearly $4 million into Indigenous-led projects that help communities celebrate their cultures or research new business opportunities. The Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative provides up to $100,000 per project through cultural and economic grant streams. The Indigenous Reconciliation Initiative is designed to provide flexible funding that supports Indigenous communities and organizations in pursuing priorities based on their unique needs. Learn more

Alberta Export Expansion Program Launches for 2024-25
Is your company in a solid export-ready position? Are you looking to find new markets for your products? Then the Alberta Export Expansion Program may be for you. This Government of Alberta program provides funding to export-ready small and medium-sized businesses to travel to global markets to promote their products, make business connections and explore partnership opportunities. We've made changes to the program to clarify the criteria, promote increased consistency and access; and reduce red tape by simplifying the application and reimbursement process.
Companies that meet eligibility criteria can receive a grant to attend formal international trade events for travel after April 1, 2024. Funding is available to cover partial event registration costs as well as per diems for up to two travellers per organization per event. Organizations can receive up to a maximum of $15,000 through the AEEP program each fiscal year.
The program operates on a first-come, first-served basis and has a budget of $1 million for the 2024-25 fiscal year. For more information on eligibility criteria, program guidelines and the application process, visit https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-export-expansion-program
Brooks-Newell Region News
Brooks - Newell Business Mixer
Join us on May 15th, 2024 for our inaugural Brooks-Newell Business mixer, held in the Atrium at the Heritage Inn and Convention Centre from 6pm-8pm.
Get to know your Chamber Staff and make valuable connections with your business community and City Leadership.
Space is limited for this event, so don't delay!
Charcuterie boards and canapes will be offered throughout the evening and bar service will be available.

City of Brooks CAO Retires
With the retirement of CAO Alan Martens, acting CAO for the City of Brooks will be Amanda Peterson. Amanda has been employed with the City of Brooks since October 1, 2007. She has been in the role of Deputy CAO since 2011 and has performed back-up duties for the position of CAO for numerous years. Originally born in the US, she immigrated to Brooks in 2005 and became a Canadian Citizen in 2019. She loves the community and the culture of Brooks, and is proud to represent Brooks and call the City her home.
Brooks Trade Show this Fall!
Each year, the Chamber invests time and resources into creating quality trade shows for our communities, and we are proud to host our inaugural trade show in Brooks. With thousands of consumers visiting the shows over the course of three days these trade shows give an incredible opportunity to gain exposure for your business, demonstrate and sell products, and showcase your services. As an added bonus, Chamber members receive 10% off the price of trade show booths! Bringing businesses together under the JBS Canada Centre roof provides a fantastic experience for everyone.
Take a look at more details regarding becoming an exhibitor here!

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the May 6th crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other News
May 7, 2024 City of Medicine Hat Neat to Know
Outdoor pools are opening soon
Government of Alberta- Culture and Status of Women Grants
Taking wildfire operations to new heights
Alberta Parks' new camping reservation platform launches another promising summer camping season
Applications for 2024 City development incentives open April 15
Other Resources
Alberta Economy - Indicators at a Glance
Labour Market Notes - Widespread Gains in Employment
Labour Market InSight - Unemployment on the Rise
Other Events
May 23-26 | Rise Up Hot Air Balloon Festival | More Here
Procurement Assistance Canada webinars | Register
Upcoming live webinars on employment standards For more information, or to register for one of the sessions, please visit alberta.ca/employment-standards-webinars.aspx
Useful Links
Find more updates on our social media