Your Weekly Tune Up

Partnering With N.W.T. to Expand Economic Corridors
Alberta and the Northwest Territories have signed an agreement to collaborate on economic corridors projects to support growth and development in both jurisdictions.
Read more here: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=90603BBE84C78-D440-AB81-1BAA561B2FEE7260
Expanding Economic Corridors across the Prairies
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are collaborating on economic corridor projects to improve infrastructure, enhance network efficiency and reduce regulatory hurdles. https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=90609F54A0239-0C49-D4C0-0B44672AEA231DBF
Reducing Methane Emissions Worldwide
Alberta is investing $15 million to test new technologies to help reduce methane emissions at home and around the world. Alberta has already reduced methane emissions from the oil and gas sector by 45 per cent since 2014, but new technologies and innovations are needed to continue reducing emissions while powering the world. For companies and startups, testing technologies and getting real-world data to move ideas from concept to commercial-ready use is a major barrier.
Read more here: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=90602B9C3FF43-0534-88CC-C3D63623C5455C54

Staff at Tourmaline and Perpetual Energy's West Wolf Lake gas processing plant near Edson (Credit: NGIF Accelerator/ Alberta.ca)

City of Medicine Hat Receives Federal Funding for Pair of Transit Projects
The City of Medicine Hat has received nearly $2.7 million in federal funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program's (ICIP) Public Transit Infrastructure Stream, which supports two City and Medicine Hat Transit (MHT) projects.
Learn more here: https://www.medicinehat.ca/en/news/city-of-medicine-hat-receives-federal-funding-for-pair-of-transit-projects.aspx
Advocacy in Action
Aviation and aerospace support
Alberta's government is extending the Strategic Aviation Advisory Council Act until December 31, 2030. The council provides guidance on infrastructure, training, and services that support various sectors including agriculture and emergency response, aiming to enhance economic connections and job creation.

Telling Alberta's story in Western U.S.
MLAs Grant Hunter and Shane Getson will be promoting Alberta's economic priorities in Portland, Oregon from July 8-12 at the Council of State Governments (CSG) West. While in Portland, the MLAs will meet with lawmakers, government leaders, industry representatives and other delegates from 13 U.S. states at the CSG West 77th annual meeting.
More here: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=906121F7BCFC3-AD8B-6EA9-E1A5D1E7CC540935
Next Level Events
2024 Downtown Chili Cook-Off happening this SATURDAY
Join us at the Downtown Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, July 13th!!
Bowl sales from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, or until chili runs out. Tasting bowls are $5 and hand-made pottery bowls from the Pottery Association are $10... plus money from each of their bowls is donated to AJ's Loan Cupboard!
Free face painting from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, free bouncy castles from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm, AND don't forget the eating contest at 2:00 pm.
Awards ceremony at 3:00 pm... who will this year's chili winners be?? In the meantime, check out the 2023 winners and other details here!

Coffee & Conversations
Join the Chamber next Thursday morning to enjoy coffee and conversations about your business, our business, or life in general! This is a great opportunity to connect in the mornings if your afternoons and evenings are too busy. You can stop by for a quick hello or stay and chat for a while; everyone is welcome!
Next up, meet us at the Chamber office July 17th.
Details here: https://chamber.southeastalbertachamber.ca/chambercalendar/Details/coffee-conversations-1085671?sourceTypeId=Website
Grand Openings: Support your community
Let's get the cycle of supporting each other going, we hope to see you at one of these upcoming business milestones 🙂
Read some of our reasons to attend a grand opening here
Check out our Grand Openings calendar here!

Enriching Your Business

There's a reason Chambers Plan is Canada's #1 plan.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman,
Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor,
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fueling the Business Community
We would like to welcome these businesses to the Chamber Family! Regent Protection Services | Allow Us | Believe Books Inc. | Cypress School of Hospitality | Wellbytes
We continually look forward to helping our members during their business journey and wish each the best in all future endeavors. We are extremely happy to have such amazing members, and are very glad that we can serve a part in that journey! Keep your eye out for more new member posts moving forward!

Taking Care of Your Employees' Mental Health
Ideal for businesses with 1-50 employees, our flexible and personalized group benefits are designed to meet your business's changing needs and budget with:
- Plans that hold Health options include Teladoc® telemedicine virtual care services.
- Business Assistance Service (BAS), access to professional accounting, counselling, legal and human resource experts who understand the challenges faced by small business owners.
- my-benefits health®, a health and wellness resource site for all employees provided through my-benefits, Chambers Plan's online benefit management platform.
- Best Doctors®, connecting individuals and their treating physician to world renowned specialists to obtain an expert medical opinion on an existing diagnosis and treatment plan.
Customizable coverage of benefits program to meet their needs.
Contact JoAnne Letkeman | Exclusive Chamber Group Advisor
403-504-2166 ext 1.
Fill Up On Funding
Up to $500 available for Community Arts and Culture activities through Microgrant program
Funding is still available to the public through our Community Microgrants! The City offers these microgrants to foster connections in the community through neighbourhood or community gatherings and activities.
Community Microgrants of up to $500 are available for the Community Arts and Culture category. The purpose of this microgrant is to promote community arts and heritage, and celebrate diverse cultures. Visit medicinehat.ca/microgrant to learn more about the guidelines and criteria for this opportunity.
As of June 25, 2024, the Neighbourhood Connections funding category has closed for applications. Thank you to those who applied!

Small/ Medium Business Resources
Biz Connect provides supports to help Alberta entrepreneurs and small businesses start, grow and succeed.
Our program and service providers help Alberta small businesses access:
- advice and coaching
- financing and training
- information about market expansion and grant funding
Business Benefits Finder
Have you taken a look at the Business Benefits Finder on the Gov. of Canada site? Find programs and services to help your business grow; whether you're an entrepreneur, a business, or a not-for-profit organization.Â
FInd what you need for your business here: https://innovation.ised-isde.canada.ca/innovation/s/?language=en_CA

Brooks-Newell Region News
City of Brooks Inclusion Survey

Coffee & Conversations Business Roundtable
Join us Thursday, July 17th at SPEC in Brooks for a Coffee & Conversations Business Roundtable!
This is a great opportunity to connect in the morning if your afternoon and evening are too busy. You can stop by for a quick hello or stay and chat for a while; everyone is welcome!
Save your spot here: https://chamber.southeastalbertachamber.ca/brookseventcalendar/Details/coffee-conversations-brooks-1161877?sourceTypeId=WebsiteÂ
The City of Brooks' Environmental Advisory Committee (EcoBrooks) is hosting a Community Clean-Up, in partnership with Communities in Bloom, Monday, July 15th, 2024 in the City of Brooks. This event is for all ages and is a fun, quick way to make a difference in the community, gain volunteer hours, or be a team-building event for your organization!
Meet at Veteran's Centennial Park by City Hall for a BBQ from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. with the Clean-Up starting at 6:00 p.m. through 8:00 p.m. All participants will be provided with bags, cleanup sites, as well as gloves, and will be split into groups. Groups will be designated specific sites throughout the community to clean up.
Please let them know if you or your organization is able to participate by emailing events.ecobrooks@brooks.ca by July 8th, 2024. We have many businesses and residents within the community involved and hope to see you there!

Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle Answers
Did you figure it out? Here are the answers for the July 2nd crossword puzzle.
Remember that subscribing to our weekly email gets you access to the crossword puzzle. Anyone who sends us their answers will get their name put into our quarterly draw.
The prize? Receive 5 promotional credits with us (for members) or credit towards a membership (for non-members)! Oh and bragging rights that you're a crossword master.
Other News
Other Resources
Alberta Economy - Indicators at a Glance
EDC Economics insights and resources
Get your Business AI Ready with BDC
BusinessLink Free Small Business Videos
Free Business Advice from Business Link: Book Now
Other Events
June 15 - Sept. 7 | Block Party @ Towne Square | More Info
Support your community | Grand Openings Calendar
Useful Links
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