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After extensive discussions, the City of Medicine Hat and Can Pak* Environmental Inc. (Can Pak) have determined they are unable to arrive at a mutually satisfactory agreement for recycling services. Can Pak has subsequently given notice of its intent to cease service delivery.

Recent challenges in the global plastics market have affected municipalities across North America. Rising costs to find markets and vendors have placed a financial burden on recycling programs.

"The City of Medicine Hat has been working with Can Pak to monitor the industry and discuss solutions. Despite recent news indicating that plastics are still moving, Can Pak indicated that in order to be profitable, residential rates must increase," said Lora Brenan, General Manager of Environmental Utilities. "We will continue exploring our options to ensure we are providing optimal value to our residents."

The City is assessing options that will continue the success of curbside recycling while as always being aware of the costs to the City and its residents. An interim solution will be implemented while the City determines a long-term approach.

"We want to assure all of our residents that the recycling program will continue with minimal to no interruptions," added Brenan. "The blue-cart program is important to both the City and its residents and we are committed to finding solutions."

The City's Solid Waste Utility webpage will be updated with information on the program as it becomes available.

*Can Pak is the City's contracted recycling services provider. They were purchased by Environmental 360 Solutions in 2018.