Almost 300 residents completed the City's Road Safety Survey over the past month, providing close to 1,000 individual comments and suggestions focusing on various road safety issues. Watch for future road safety messages and contests to begin this week on the City's social media channels as the 2019 Road Safety Campaign begins.
200 comments were received about intersection safety. Some of the common themes included:
- Stop means stop - not slow down
- Pay attention and be aware of your surroundings
- Check all directions before proceeding
- Know who has the right of way
- Obey the rules, lights and signs at intersections
The 2019 Road Safety Campaign is a partnership with the South Eastern Alberta Traffic Safety Coalition, which includes the City and the Medicine Hat Police Service, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Motor Association, Brain Injury Relearning Services, CP Rail Police, MADD and RCMP. The Campaign is funded by the Government of Alberta safe Roads initiative. The City places a high priority on safety and will promote road safety throughout the coming year through surveys, contests, informational videos, and local and community events.
For more information and to complete the survey visit