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Business News

The Southeast Alberta Chamber Business News page has everything to offer from advocacy efforts, business news and resources, Chamber updates and stories, Alberta Chamber updates as well as Canadian Chamber updates. As a result the Chamber 'News' page also holds our weekly blog called 'the Voice' which is posted every Monday updating you with Advocacy, Local News, Economic impacts, Important funding and so much more all in one place. Subscribe today so you get 'the Voice' every Monday the second it comes out!

Blog, local, news

Business Beat: How do you Create Sales When Customers are not in the Store?

August 5, 2020

COVID-19 or “the Covid” (reference Newman from Seinfeld), as I am now referring to it, has wreaked havoc on our independent business owners. First, they had to close their businesses (unless they were an essential service). Then when they could open, it was under a very strict set of guidelines established by the Government of…

Weekly Update: July 27 – 30, 2020

July 30, 2020

Supports for Business Canadian Chamber Conducting Independent Tax Review The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our world and forcing everyone to think differently about many things. To help Canadian policymakers think differently about growing our economy while still paying for today’s health crisis the Canadian Chamber of Commerce announced an independent tax review. To help formulate…

Business Beat: A #CanadaUnited that puts Local First

July 29, 2020

Last week the Chamber of Commerce highlighted four campaigns including Local First, ShopHere, The Big Spend and Canada United, that are all focused on the importance of supporting the business community as they adapt and recover from the challenges posed by the COVID-19 global pandemic. By promoting these initiatives, we are encouraging residents of the…

Weekly Update: July 17-23, 2020

July 23, 2020

Supports for Business Government Of Canada Rolls Out Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Improvement Details  The federal government released details of the proposed CEWS program extension and improvements. Legislative approval is still required, however the draft would:  Allow the extension of the CEWS until December 19, 2020, including redesigned program details until November 21, 2020. Make…

Business Beat: A Sunny Look at Downtown Medicine Hat

July 15, 2020

If you are looking for something to do this summer, I recommend taking a walk downtown Medicine Hat. There is a renewed sense of energy and it is reflected in all the new unique businesses that are opening at the heart of our city. Flower shops, bakeries, bookstores, restaurants and patios, are just a few…

Weekly Update: July 13-16, 2020

July 13, 2020

Supports for Business Federal Government To Provide $19 Billion To Provinces And Territories The federal, provincial and territorial governments have reached an agreement in which the federal government will provide over $19 billion in funding to help the country’s economic recovery. The funding will target seven key areas:  Testing, contact tracing and data management Health…

Daily Update: July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020

Supports for Business Emergency Funding for COVID-19 Safety Measures in Forest Operations The government announced intent to provide up to $30 million to offset additional costs associated with COVID-19 safety measures for small and medium enterprises in the forest sector, including tree-planting operations. More specifically, today’s investment will help cover extra costs for things like…

Daily Update: July 9, 2020

July 9, 2020

Supports for Business New 10 Year Grant to the Petrochemical sector The Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program, part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, will bring multi-billion dollar investments to petrochemical projects throughout Alberta, helping to strengthen and diversify the province’s economy and create new jobs for Albertans. Key features include: A 10-year program period during which eligible…

Daily Update: July 8, 2020

July 9, 2020

Supports for Business COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Impact on Business Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) As of July 3, 688,000 applicants have been approved for CEBA for a total of $27.41 billion in funds disbursed, including $7 billion of which is forgivable if the loan is paid back before December 31, 2022. Over 65 per…

Daily Update: July 7, 2020

July 7, 2020

Supports for Business Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act Bill 32 will provide employees and employers with clearer and more transparent rules promoting fairness and productivity, including more clarity about rest periods and temporary layoff notices.To help inform these proposed changes, 5,421 responses were received during an online public survey conducted in November 2019. Key…


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