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Business News

The Southeast Alberta Chamber Business News page has everything to offer from advocacy efforts, business news and resources, Chamber updates and stories, Alberta Chamber updates as well as Canadian Chamber updates. As a result the Chamber 'News' page also holds our weekly blog called 'the Voice' which is posted every Monday updating you with Advocacy, Local News, Economic impacts, Important funding and so much more all in one place. Subscribe today so you get 'the Voice' every Monday the second it comes out!

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Blog, local, news

Daily COVID-19 Update: April 2, 2020

April 3, 2020

Supports for Business Canada Emergency Business Account We received additional information on the Canada Emergency Business Account and were made aware that applications will open Monday across all major banks. The program will provide up to $40,000 for operating costs (can be used to pay other lending/interest if required) An eligible business must have paid…

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Daily COVID-19 Update: April 1, 2020

April 2, 2020

Supports for Business Additional Details on the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Additional details for the proposed Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy were announced today to encourage employers to re-hire workers previously laid off. The program includes individuals, taxable corporations, partnerships, not for profit organizations and registered charities. Public bodies would not be eligible for this subsidy,…

Stronger Together: Navigating COVID-19

April 1, 2020

This is no April Fool’s joke. These are challenging times and governments at every level are working to protect Canadians from the COVID–19 virus and as your Chamber of Commerce, we have committed to assisting our business community in any way we can. This pandemic has wide-sweeping effects on our business community, with new policy…

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Daily COVID-19 Update: March 31, 2020

April 1, 2020

Supports for Business Prime Minister announces new partnerships with Canadian industries to fight COVID-19 The Government of Canada has signed new procurement agreements with Canadian companies to purchase and boost capacity to manufacture equipment and supplies including portable ventilators, surgical masks, and rapid testing kits. The government has ordered millions of supplies to ease the…

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Daily COVID-19 Update: March 30, 2020

March 31, 2020

Supports for Business City Assessments Notices Delayed Due to the challenges of the recent COVID-19 crisis and the impact on department operations, the City of Medicine Hat is extending the notice of assessment date. For Single Family Residential and Farmland, the mail date was February 28th with a notice of Assessment Date of March 6…

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Daily COVID 19 Update: March 27, 2020

March 28, 2020

Supports for Business Wage Subsidy for Employers A major change was announced today by the Prime Minister in his daily press conference. The previously announced 10% wage subsidy has been increased to 75% to help small businesses keep operating and retain their employees.  This 75 per cent wage subsidy for qualifying businesses is for up…

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Daily COVID-19 Update: March 26, 2020

March 27, 2020

Supports for Business Export Development Canada and Business Development Bank of Canada The Business Credit Availability Program (BBCAP) through EDC and BDC allows both of these crown corporations to expand their programming to collaborate with private lenders for delivery of this program.  The program provides: Working capital loans of up to $2 million with flexible…

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Daily COVID-19 Update: March 25, 2020

March 26, 2020

Supports for Individuals Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This taxable benefit would provide $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CERB combines the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit. Who is eligible? Canadians who have lost their…

Federal Government Establishes a $1 Billion COVID-19 Response Fund

March 12, 2020

If you suspect you have COVID-19, call 811 before visiting any medical services. The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today outlined Canada’s whole-of-government response to COVID-19, by establishing a more than $1 billion COVID-19 Response Fund. This comprehensive approach includes measures already underway to respond to the outbreak, as well as new investments to limit the…

CityView Electronic Permit System Advisory

March 12, 2020

As part of an ongoing Corporate Initiative to enhance service to our residents and customers, Planning & Development Services (P&DS) has recently completed the new CityView Electronic Permit System (EPS). This new EPS will unite two older legacy systems (Permit Tracking and Business License) which have been in place since approximately 2005. These old legacy…


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