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Business News

The Southeast Alberta Chamber Business News page has everything to offer from advocacy efforts, business news and resources, Chamber updates and stories, Alberta Chamber updates as well as Canadian Chamber updates. As a result the Chamber 'News' page also holds our weekly blog called 'the Voice' which is posted every Monday updating you with Advocacy, Local News, Economic impacts, Important funding and so much more all in one place. Subscribe today so you get 'the Voice' every Monday the second it comes out!

Blog, local, news

Business Beat: How Many Consumers Would You Like to Have Visit Your Business?

March 4, 2020

I think most, if not all, businesses would love to have thousands of consumers see their business and have customers walk through their doors over the course of just a few days. However, businesses may not associate that desire for exposure and the opportunity to expand their customer base with the potential that trade shows…

Alberta 2020 Budget Released

March 2, 2020

On Thursday, February 27th the Alberta 2020 budget was released. It was coined the ‘Blueprint for Jobs’ and maintains the Alberta Government’s plan of balancing the budget by 2022. Here’s how it could impact your business: Business Development Finalizing the findings of the minimum wage expert panel to restore fairness to Alberta’s current minimum wage…

New Member: USANA – Doreen Hortness

February 28, 2020

As the Mom of a two time Olympic Swimmer, a Grandma of many, a global traveler, and happily married sports enthusiast, I am loving every minute redefining “retirement”. Wealth allows us to create choices and health allows us to execute them. My passion is to educate individuals on how to support theirs. Please contact myself,…

Property Assessment Notices Start Arriving This Week

February 27, 2020

Property Assessment Notices will begin arriving in resident’s mailboxes beginning February 28, 2020 for Single Family Residential and Farmland properties. Property owners of Non-Residential and Multi-Family properties will receive their notices a month later beginning April 9, 2020. Assessment Notices are now being mailed out earlier and under separate cover from the Property Tax Notices.…

Work Sharing Program to Avoid Layoffs

February 27, 2020

Work-Sharing (WS) is an adjustment program designed to help employers and employees avoid layoffs when there is a temporary reduction in the normal level of business activity that is beyond the control of the employer. The measure provides income support to employees eligible for Employment Insurance benefits who work a temporarily reduced work week while…

Workplace Training Program

February 27, 2020

This program will assist employment-ready job seekers to update their workplace skills and experience to gain full-time employment. Through On-the-Job Training or Paid Work Experience, Being Human Services will help connect employers with willing workers. Once Being Human Services has matched job seekers to employers, they will assist both parties through the steps required to fill the gaps…

Business Beat: What Does it Really Take to Create Economic Growth?

February 26, 2020

Economies are complex and the responsibility for economic growth is often largely placed on governments. But the truth is there are many players who impact whether an economy will grow. For example our educational institutions must produce the skills and talent necessary to fill jobs needed for industry to produce goods and services. Research facilities…

New Member: Trilogy Mortgage – Brandi Droeske

February 26, 2020

Brandi Droeske was born and raised in Southern Alberta, from an early age she had always been intrigued by the real estate market. Moving to Calgary 14 years ago, Brandi was able to explore all aspects of the industry and quickly realized the financing end was her true passion. Brandi was fortunate enough to work…

Changes in Canada’s Privacy Laws

February 25, 2020

Over the next 18 months, Canadian businesses can expect to see changes in Canada’s privacy laws. In particular, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada will likely be granted more enforcement powers. The government sees compliance enforcement as incentive to business to build trust in the digital economy, but there are more compelling business…

Future of Echo Dale Open House

February 24, 2020

The City is seeking community feedback to develop a master plan for Echo Dale Regional Park. The City of Medicine Hat is working with a consultant to develop the concept plan, which will help guide operations and capital priorities for the park in the short, medium and long-term. “Echo Dale has been referred to as…


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