The Southeast Alberta Chamber Business News page has everything to offer from advocacy efforts, business news and resources, Chamber updates and stories, Alberta Chamber updates as well as Canadian Chamber updates. As a result the Chamber 'News' page also holds our weekly blog called 'the Voice' which is posted every Monday updating you with Advocacy, Local News, Economic impacts, Important funding and so much more all in one place. Subscribe today so you get 'the Voice' every Monday the second it comes out!
Do You Understand Employment Standards Changes? Webinars Now Available
The Government of Alberta’s Employment Standards team is offering additional free webinars in September and October that provide an overview of Alberta’s employment standards rules and describe the new rules for banked overtime, general holiday pay and the student wage. The webinars will also cover what happens to existing banked overtime agreements and Flexible Averaging…
Member News: City Waste Management Facility Receives Recycling Award of Excellence
On Thursday, September 5 the City’s Waste Management Facility was honoured with a Collection Site Award of Excellence at the 2019 Alberta Coordinated Action for Recycling Enterprises (CARE) Conference held in Peace River, Alberta. The award was presented in recognition of the City’s exceptional dedication to providing Electronics, Paint and Tire Collection sites that are…
5 Minutes for Business: The Nuts and Bolts of International Trade- Incoterms 2020
It is easy to think international trade is all about convoluted acronyms that describe trade agreements that take a long time to negotiate. A sampling of the ones you have probably heard about recently include CPTPP, CETA and CUSMA. Indeed, the trade world is not short of acronyms, but here is another crucial one for…
Government Commits to Hearing Concerns and Expanding Access to Treatment and Recovery
The Government of Alberta announced new support for treatment and recovery by increasing publicly funded addiction spaces. An additional 4,000 addiction treatment beds and spaces will be created to provide outpatient services and medically assisted detox spaces. This initiative is part of the $140-million commitment to addiction and mental health care made by the government in…
City Announces Accelerated Abandonment and Reclamation of Uneconomic Gas Fields
After an extensive four-year process to find efficiencies and new opportunities in a depressed oil and gas market, the City of Medicine Hat (CMH) has decided to accelerate abandonment and reclamation of uneconomic gas fields. In 2015, CMH commenced a Growth Strategy to improve profitability of the Natural Gas and Petroleum Resources (NGPR) division. The…
Canadian Chamber of Commerce Releases Regulate Smarter Report on Fair User Fees
User fees play an important role in how departments and agencies are funded. Like taxes, they affect the competitiveness of businesses that pay them. 2020 will mark three years since the passage of the Service Fees Act and given the hasty implementation of changes to federal cost recovery rules, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce have examined…
Province Announces Constitutional Challenge to Bill C-69
Premier Kenney announced that the Government of Alberta will challenge the constitutionality of Bill C-69. The bill, proclaimed into law in late August, makes changes to Canada’s energy regulator process for large resource projects. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Alberta Chambers of Commerce and out local chamber have all advocated for changes in the legislation without…
Do You Know a Great Community Volunteer? Nominate them Now!
The deadline is drawing near, but Albertans still have time to submit nominations for the Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards. The awards are part of government’s efforts to encourage people to support community initiatives. Recipients will be honoured at the awards ceremony on Dec. 5, International Volunteer Day. Since the inception of the Stars of Alberta…
More Funding Announced for High School Apprenticeship Scholarship
The Government of Alberta announced that it is supporting high school students pursuing trades education by increasing the scholarship program. The province has injected an additional $1 million into the expanded program that recognizes the achievements of high school graduates who have chosen an apprenticeship pathway. The chamber network supports preparing students to meet labour needs…
BREWD Business Survey Launches September 16
Regional businesses will discover a unique opportunity to seek help with problems when they complete a survey to be launched as part of the Business Retention Expansion and Workforce Development (BREWD) project on Monday September 16. The survey, designed to focus on developing an environment that supports business growth, includes a question devoted to “red…