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Business News

The Southeast Alberta Chamber Business News page has everything to offer from advocacy efforts, business news and resources, Chamber updates and stories, Alberta Chamber updates as well as Canadian Chamber updates. As a result the Chamber 'News' page also holds our weekly blog called 'the Voice' which is posted every Monday updating you with Advocacy, Local News, Economic impacts, Important funding and so much more all in one place. Subscribe today so you get 'the Voice' every Monday the second it comes out!

Blog, local, news

New Member: A Buyers Choice Home Inspections

May 13, 2019

A Buyers Choice Home Inspections Medicine Hat is excited to announce we are under new ownership! Steve and Valerie Fraser are committed to providing the best home inspections for Medicine Hat and Area as well as Southern Saskatchewan. As a certified, professional and dedicated home inspector Steve is committed to providing a thorough and complete inspection of…

What are your Business Priorities? Take our Survey and Let Your Voice be Heard!

May 13, 2019

Now that the voters have spoken our job really begins. Now is the time to let the voice of the business community be heard. Please complete this survey so that we can ensure that your priorities are known when we speak to government. Want to know more about Vote Prosperity and our recommendations to government? Visit our Vote Prosperity page.

Provincial Government Announces Business Tax Rate Cut

May 13, 2019

The provincial government has announced Bill 3 which will be introduced in the spring session and will roll back Alberta’s General Business Tax Rate from 12 per cent to eight per cent. If the bill is passed, the tax rate will be lowered to 11 per cent effective July 1, and will continue to drop…

Wild Horse Port of Entry Extends Hours for Summer

May 13, 2019

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office of Field Operations announces the Port of Wild Horse will begin operating on its summer hour schedule of 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., daily, on May 15.  The summer hours will continue until Sept. 30.   The winter schedule of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. will resume on Oct.…

Canadian Chamber of Commerce President Receives Order of Canada

May 10, 2019

We are proud that the head of our chamber network, The Honourable Perrin Beatty, was invested as an Officer of the Order of Canada. Perrin Beatty has contributed to the development of our nation as a politician and corporate leader. Elected to Parliament at 22, he served as a minister of seven major departments, including…

May is Sexual Violence Awareness Month

May 10, 2019

Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women Minister Leela Aheer issued a statement about Sexual Violence Awareness Month urging Albertans to work together to create safe and inclusive communities while supporting survivors and ending the stigma surrounding such traumatic events. The Minister emphasized that the responsibility to help victims is a collective one. The Medicine Hat & District…

5 Minutes for Business: AccessAbility – The $16.8-Billion GDP Boost Canadians Need

May 10, 2019

Accessibility in Canada is inadequately addressing the barriers nearly four million Canadians face. Within the next 20 years, that number is expected to soar to over nine million, but by creating a more accessible Canada, there is a potential to unlock $16.8 billion in GDP by increasing our economy’s productive capacity by 2030, according to…

Provincial Government Appoints Panel of Experts to Assess Alberta’s Finances

May 10, 2019

The Alberta government has appointed an independent panel of experts as a key first step in getting the province’s budget back to balance. The Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta’s Finances has been directed in a mandate letter to do a deep dive into Alberta’s finances and economy. The focus will be on identifying areas to eliminate waste, duplication and non-essential…

New Member: CARE Concierge Service

May 8, 2019

CARE Concierge Service is: C – Cleaning, A – Appointments, R – Residence, E – Errands. Have you ever wished for more hours in the day? Or that you had an extra pair of hands? Or for someone you could trust to take as much care as you do? Our unique range of concierge services are…

Assessment Request for Information Forms Due on July 2, 2019

May 6, 2019

The City of Medicine Hat has sent out Assessment Request for Information (ARFI) forms to non-residential property owners, which must be submitted by July 2, 2019. Pursuant to Provincial Legislation, the July 1, 2019 market value of property will form the basis of the 2020 tax year assessment and all properties much be reassessed annually.…


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