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Business Beat: What is Machine Learning?

If you’ve ever Googled machine learning (ML), you’ll notice that your list of articles will include in-depth discussions about algorithms, articles about the different types of ML (i.e. artificial intelligence (AI), ML and/or deep learning (DL)), several articles on what computer languages you should learn to work in the ML industry and then there are…

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Business Beat: How Many Consumers Would You Like to Have Visit Your Business?

I think most, if not all, businesses would love to have thousands of consumers see their business and have customers walk through their doors over the course of just a few days. However, businesses may not associate that desire for exposure and the opportunity to expand their customer base with the potential that trade shows…

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Business Beat: What Does it Really Take to Create Economic Growth?

Economies are complex and the responsibility for economic growth is often largely placed on governments. But the truth is there are many players who impact whether an economy will grow. For example our educational institutions must produce the skills and talent necessary to fill jobs needed for industry to produce goods and services. Research facilities…

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Business Beat: Training is an Investment

Imagine this scene around a board table. Times are tight and balancing the budget is becoming an increasing challenge. As the costs for staff training are shared, one manager leans across the table and whispers to another, “Imagine spending that much money training our staff, and then they all leave.” The second manager whispers back,…

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Business Beat: New Face and New Voice at Community Futures

My name is Sandra Milne and I’m the new Regional Innovation Network (RIN) Coordinator for Southeastern Alberta. I was hired about a month ago to replace Elizabeth Blair who after a long 17-month wait, was finally reunited with her family in Frisco, Texas. Congratulations Elizabeth! everyone at CFEC wishes you an abundance of success and…

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Business Beat: What is the State of our City?

Invictus was a fitting conclusion to the State of the City address held by the Kiwanis Club and the Chamber of Commerce on January 28th with his Worship, Mayor Ted Clugston delivering the annual address. With over 300 community leaders in attendance, that message summarized the fortitude of our community in the face of adversity,…

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Business Beat: The Results are in and Business has Spoken

In previous articles, I’ve addressed how a sound community economic action plan requires business to be at the front end of what we’re doing. You can’t identify economic problems and implement solutions without the insight of local business. No one understands the issues and have thought about how to solve them more than businesses themselves.…

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Business Beat: Solve a Problem, Change the World

Building and selling products around a passion is not enough to ensure a business concept has a valid market opportunity. There is plenty of commentary encouraging entrepreneurs to take a passion and convert it into a business but it takes more than inspiration to build a venture that works. It is though, a promising area…

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Fuelling our Business Community in 2020

Our local Chamber of Commerce is a member driven and people focused organization who believes that the positive impact we create for local businesses ultimately affects the lives of business owners, employees and our community. That’s why we’re active problem solvers, equipped to help our business community by connecting our members with various resources and…

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